Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015


I slept till 8 and decided not to go walking so we could start school on time. Tommy went to a guitar lesson and the big kids worked at church all day. I did school with the younger ones till 4:30.

Kim and TJ and Ang dropped off their kids at 5. I babysat while they went to a gig at Big Pine Sea Camp. The kids were very good, and pretty quiet, but half way thru I got a head ache and felt a little nauseous. The hot flashes kicked in, and luckily, Tommy came home from youth group and helped me with the kids. Tom was supposed to help me, but he worked late at church, and didn't come home till just before TJ, Ang, and Kim got back. 

After they all left, Tom took me to Boondocks for a date. I had taken some medicine and used ice on my head and neck, and had started to feel better. 

We had a good time at Boondocks. Terry Cassidy was playing with a friend, and Lorenzo and Randall were working. We had chopped salads with blackened Hogfish, then chocolate lava cake and coffee. 

Came home about 11:30 and got ready for bed. Assigned Tommy and Garrett to dishes, then read to Charlie and Tommy 

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