Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015


I went walking this morning and then we did school till 2:30. After that the school boys worked on their own and I made food for me to eat at our gig. The older boys worked at the church, still remodeling the studio.

At 3:30 we left for Sloppy Joe's. I knitted the whole way. Sloppy's was very busy the whole night. Jake, Ariel, and Ian all sang.

When we get home, everyone has to go straight to bed. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 6 AM for the mainland. TJ and Angelica rented the ice rink in Kendall for Jake's birthday party and we are all driving up there. Some of us will stay all all day and go to the hockey game at night, and others of us will go home earlier. 

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