Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 27, 2014


I got up at 5:30 AM and woke up everyone else. We tried leaving for ice skating at 5:30 AM and left a little after 6. TJ's truck battery was dead so his family rode wover to our house in Alice's van with Kim and Stevie. In our van we had Tom, me, our friend Aaron Michael Myers, Ed, Joe, Ben, Kurt, Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Ian. Ariel, and Naomi.

At our first stop for gas Tom wanted me to run across about 6 lanes of traffic to get us food but I wouldn't. Ed and Naomi said they'd go, but once they got near the road they said no too. So we kept driving. 

We made it to the ice rink in Kendall about 9:30. It was so cold in there. We all got our ice clothes on and the boys their hockey equipment. We took the strollers on the ice and had a blast. The rental skates were soooo bad. Why do they even make those pieces of junk? We had  a few pairs of our own skates, but most of the hockey equipment was left in MO when we moved. :0(

After skating we headed farther north to Whole Foods where Angelica picked up Jake's birthday cake. Then we continued on to the Sawgrass Mall in Sunrise, where we went to a pizza place to eat. I also ordered take out from the Cheesecake Factory for my supper later. We ate and sang to Jake, had birthday cake, then walked back to the vans. Kim, Stevie, me, Joe, Garrett, and Callie headed back to Big Pine, a three hour drive. Everyone else stayed in Sunrise to go to the Panthers' hockey game. 

When I got home I went to pick up our produce. I dropped TJ's produce at his house, then went home to eat my food from Cheesecake Factory. It wasn't that good. It was my favorite dish there, Spicy Chipotle  chicken and pasta, but it was very blah and too small of a portion. Usually I save half for the next day but I ate it all. It was a big disappointment. Plus, with the piece of cheesecake it cost $25, for just one person. :0(

I enjoyed my quiet evening. I knit. I thought I would be cleaning the trashed kitchen but Nina had it done for me when I got home from the trip to the mainland. What a great surprise! 

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