Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015


I did not wake up early enough to go walking. I had some quiet time, woke up boys for school, and made myself a smoothie for breakfast, pineapple, banana, coconut milk, and half a lemon. Yum!! Kurt's friend Minolis stayed over and they worked on photography. Here's one of his pics at the end.

We had a good school day. Did our reading out on the porch, teacher in the hammock chair. Nice! At 2:30 I had the kids work on their own and I made lunch for Tom and I, but Tom didn't eat his so Joe ate it. 

We left a little late. Tom wanted to look at an RV. We were supposed to drop Garrett off at Rob's to work, but didn't understand his message, so we didn't. Then when we got to Sloppy's, someone was parked in the loading zone. Tom tried to park farther down but had a hard time. Then the people finally showed up and drove away. After Tom parked and we were set up, he was able to take Garrett over to Rob's using Nina's van and Nina ran the sound. 

The gig went well. Sloppy's was busy and the night went fast. I met the drummer for the Jimmie Van Zant Band, 

Charlie counted our tips and we drove home, picking up Garrett from Rob's on our way.

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