Monday, January 19, 2015

January 18, 2015


I woke up late and got ready for church. Charlie and Joe were exhausted so I let them sleep. After church we hurried home to pack up and head for the Baygrass Bluegrass Festival in Islamorada. TJ's whole family rode with us.

My mom and dad drove from Punta Gorda and met us at the festival. It looked a little like rain but cleared up and was a gorgeous day. It was fun. I wish we could have gotten there earlier. The kids did a great job and we bumped into many friends and made some new ones. 

We drove home and I was so tired. My parents came to our house too, and are staying a few days. We got home around 10 PM, and the older kids went to a friends house for dinner. I went straight to bed where I read to Charlie and then went to sleep.

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