Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015


I woke up just before 8 this morning and all I wanted to do was...knit! Where did that come from? So I pulled out an easy pattern and some yarn and got down to business. At 9:30 I made my oatmeal and got dressed for church. I woke up Tom, Charlie, and Joe, and we went to church. Nina's band went to their gig at Sunset Pier.

After church Tom gave blood and Kim brought me home, then stayed a while. I knitted some more. 

I made juice, then we left at 4:30 for Schooner Wharf, picking up Charlie from a friend's on the way. It was chilly tonight, 65 degrees. I bought a Schooner sweatshirt. 

I spent most of the night knitting while watching and listening to the kids. A woman came over to our table and told me how horrible the band sounded, and that they were too loud. She said they have no soul since I don't play with them anymore. (She thought I was Kim). Anyway, she went on for a while about how rotten the band was. I just kind of nodded my head with my mouth open. Really?? How rude can you be? I have never told anyone how horrible I thought they sounded. I would never, ever do that. 

Turns out the lady's husband did the same thing to Tom. 

Here's Violet in the sweater my mom helped me finish. :0)

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