Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015


When I woke this morning I actually felt ok, which was great, because I usually feel yucky. Part of getting old I guess. I sure wish it would go away. It's a bit chilly here lately, 70ish, so I went in the hot tub instead of walking, since there wasn't time for both. 

When I was making my bed this morning, I pulled up the coverlet at the feet end, where it was laying on the floor, and...a cockroach ran up between the sheet and the coverlet. Argh!!!!   I still haven't gotten over it! I made Joe get up and get rid of it. He's not scared of them like me. Makes me want to go back to Springville!  I hope there aren't many more roaming around while we sleep at night. :0(

We did school most of the day. The big kids worked at the studio. They've been cleaning and painting, moving stuff around. Tom and Kurt worked on Kurt's car. I don't know if they fixed it or not. I don't even know what was wrong with it.

I planned on going to the gig tonight at Tarpon Creek, but at the last minute changed my mind. TJ said tommy could watch Jake, and Tom was complaining because he couldn't find the jeans he wanted to wear, and it would be chilly, and a short gig, and they weren't going to feed us, so I stayed home with Garrett.

We did algebra for 1 1/2 hours, then did corrections. Then I read the next chapter of Garrett's history and started an outline. I ordered a pizza and kept outlining till I left to pick it up. 

When I tried leaving Popa Jim's Pizza, the key wouldn't turn. It's happened before, but all the wiggling and jiggling, and trying to turn the steering wheel, wouldn't work. I started texting Kim and Tom, and finally I got the key to turn, and the car would start but turned itself right off. Ugh!!! Good grief! The car has done that before too, and I thought Tom had said something about disconnecting the battery blah blah blah, and I wasn't going to do that; don't know how. 

Tom finally got back to me, and he told me to open the gas cover, and start the car with it open, worked!!!! Doug was going to come help me, but thankfully, he got to stay home, and I got to go home with pizza for Garrett and I. 

I ate my pizza, and a few chocolates from Angelica's Uncle Jack ( that came in the mail today). The band got home and I finally finished the outline after many intrerruptions while the boys watched hockey and ate.

I was going to play the flute for a few minutes, but saw that it was 11:30 and decided it was bed time and time for bedtime chores. I had Tommy put dishes away, and Garrett took out the garbage. No one did dishes last night or today, so I asked Garrett to do them, but as I lie here, I realize that I haven't heard the sounds of dish washing, so I bet they are not done. 

I read toTommy and Charlie and went to bed.  

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