Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 2, 2015


I went walking this morning, then TJ dropped Jake and Callie off so he, Ang, and Violet could go to the mainland to do some shopping. 

We had a good day. I did a little school with Garrett and Tommy. Since we were on "vacation" we only did a little. Today was a rare Friday off, no gig. The big kids went to the beach at Bahia Honda for a little while. They took Ariel and Charlie. I sewed a little bit. I also took down the Christmas tree. I made Sheperd's Pie for supper, and actually set the table for the first time in four years. There was only eight of us for supper and we fit around the table. After we ate I went to Winn Dixie for a few things. When I got home I had Garrett make chocolate chip cookies. 

The big kids went to Key west in the evening. They took Emma to Bennie Hanna. Afterward, they played laser tag. The three younger boys went to play laser tag too. They were out really late. 

When TJ and Ang came back they brought me a huge apple pie. I saved it for tomorrow.

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