Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31, 2015


TJ dropped of Callie and Violet and they took Jake to the gig. He's in the band now, singing and playing mandolin. Nina brought Ariel and the two kids played ping pong and were very good at Blue Heaven. 

I took Tommy to the doctor this morning. He has an ingrown toenail that has been bothering him for quite a while and now it is infected. The boys started their schoolwork and I sewed on Ariel's dress. Tom got Kurt's car registered and Kurt and Jewel took Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie to gym class for me. They dropped them off, then went to Sombrero Beach in Marathon. I stayed home and watched Callie and Violet while sewing. They were both very good. Joe folded laundry. 

One of my teeth is bothering me. 

At 6:30 I went to Walgreens to pick up Tommy's  prescriptions, but the doctor never phoned them in. Grrrr. Since I was there, I bought Easter candy and stuff (for a million $). Now I'm ready for 14 kids and 2 extras. I felt horrible checking out though. There were many people waiting in line after me, and the young man kept asking for help, but there was only one girl to help and she couldn't speak any English, and she kept telling him "No."  Walgreens wouldn't hire Bob or the kids' friend Minoli. What are they thinking?

That ended up taking me an hour. I came home and started supper; rice , stir-fried veggies, salad, cantaloupe, and pineapple. That took 1 1/2 hours. The boys played hockey, came back at 9, and we ate. Charlie had a stomach ache and soaked in the tub, Tommy soaked his feet, I hid Easter candy, and went to bed. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015


Looks like I was on vacation.  I haven't written for a week. Vacation? What's that? But I guess I was on vacation from writing. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but I was just up too late every night to write.

Yesterday:  church, sewing, grocery shopping, made a huge Buffalo chicken lasagna and two ice cream cakes. The boys played hockey, then we ate and had a birthday party for Kurt, Aaron, and Jewel. We watched funny videos that the boys have made over the years. That is always fun. :0) Read to Charlie. 

 Now, back to today...

I went walking this morning and watered a few thirsty plants. I got Garrett and Tommy started with their schoolwork and then finished sewing Violet's Easter dress. It has lots of ruffles. Yesterday Kim was over, and she cut out Ariel's dress for me. So tomorrow I hope to get most of the sewing done on that. And the next day, Callie's dress. They are all the same dress pattern but different colors. Violet's is violet,  Ariel's is yellow, and Callie's will be pink. 

We left for Sloppy's at 3 so we could stop and meet people for a new gig. An accident happened in the street while we were waiting in the parking lot. 

The knitting needles I needed for Jake's sweater came today, so I knitted during most of Sloppy's, while sitting at the CD table. There were lots of fans there today. Nice! 

I forgot to mention that we have guests, Jewel and Emma. They came on Friday. I'm not sure how long they are staying. I haven't had a chance to ask anyone, but they are on spring break.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 24, 2015


TJ dropped of his kids at 8:30 and picked up Nina to go play at Blue Heaven. Jake went to the gig too. Ian and Ariel were here. Ariel played nice with Callie, but Ian was bored till the other kids came back later. Ed dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson at 9 AM. Tom went to work at church at 10. Kurt picked up Charlie and took him and Garrett, Aaron, and Tommy to  Lower Sugarloaf. He dropped them off there with their bikes to go on a bike ride and bridge jump with the homeschoolers. A while later Kurt had to drive back down there and pick them up. 

Joe folded laundry till 4. TJ got back just before 4 and picked up Violet and Callie, and I went to Tai Chi. I picked up my produce afterwards and went home. I put the other lasagna (from Saturday) in the oven and threw together a salad and cut up cantaloupe, strawberries, and pineapple. 

There is cardboard all over the living room. Ed bought all this lighting stuff. It really is a mess. Shoes everywhere. We also have another ant invasion so I have ant poison akin there little road they have made in front it the bookshelf. It's a dirty mess. 

It's spring break. We had extra kids here late, jumping on the tramp and hanging around. 

Went to my room after supper, knit a few rows and read a chapter in "Tending the Heart of Virtue" before falling asleep.

Here's a pic of where the boys went today. The loop was the bike ride and then the brave ones jumped off a bridge. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 23, 2015


I went walking, and then couldn't decide what to do next. It's spring break here, and I had planned on doing bookkeeping all week, but Monday is my short day to get things done, since we leave for work at 3:30. So I did some school with the kids. 

Ed ordered a bunch of lighting things and they came today, 9 big boxes. Crazy Eddy. I made a giant salad and then we left for Sloppy Joes. It was busy and loud and fun.  Some old friends of Tom's from Orchard Park were in the audience. They stayed for the whole show and Tom sat with them while running sound.

It started to rain just as we pulled out and it poured while we drove home. I was scared my school books were getting wrecked at home because I left the windows open near the shelves, but Nina was home sick and closed them when it started raining in Big Pine. 

Everyone else was on their second wind when we got home but I went straight to bed.

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 22, 2015


Went to church, Kim and Stevie came over, and I watched TJ's kids while he, Ang, Ed, and Joe played at Sunset Pier. 
After Kim left, I figured out how to watch the race online and the boys got it on the screen for me before they left for Schooner Wharf. I stayed home watching kids till Angelica got back from Sunset Pier. I quilted on Angelica's quilt while watching the race.

Tommy went to work, and after the kids were picked up I was actually home alone. That never happens! I didn't feel like making supper, so when Tommy came home at 8:30 we went to Boondocks for supper. Came home and did the dishes. Went to bed. 

March 21, 2015


Charlie and I went to Bahia Honda beach again, from 10-2, and had a great time. The band went to Sunset Pier. 

I did some knitting. I started a red and white sweater for Jake. Red is his favorite color.

At 6:30 I went grocery shopping, came home, and made vegetable lasagna (no cheese). I made a salad and cut up watermelon and strawberries. Cleaned up and hit the sack. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 20, 2015


Spent the morning trying to find order. I got some things out of the van. It needed to be unpacked. I asked the boys for help but no one really cared. Garrett brought up some things but not everything. I tried getting people to do chores too, but that didn't work out either. Ed, Nina, and Joe played at Blue Heaven this morning, since TJ and Ang are on the other coast for that conference. 

Micky and Randy invited Tom and I on their boat for a sunset cruise. Ed and Nina went too. It was soooo awesome. :0)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 19, 2015


I got up with my alarm hoping to get everyone moving. We packed up and went to my mom's house for breakfast sausage, bisquits, and gravy.  We were finally on our way, at 10:45 AM, only 45 minutes late. 

We had a relaxing 5 hour drive back to Big Pine. I did embroidery most of the way. Tom took care of a lot of business on the phone, and the kids played games. 

One of Tom's phone calls was a bluegrass band from NC, Nu-Blu. They were coming into the Keys and needed a place to park their bus, so Tom told them they could park at our house. He also lined up a gig for them at Springer's tonight. 

We got home at 4. The big kids hurried to church to set up for youth group. I went through the mail and then rode my bike to Springer's to eat and listen to the band. Tom met me there and we stayed till they were done. When we got home at 10 o'clock, the kids were back and it was stuffy in the house, so Tom and I went to Walgreens and bought two new box fans for windows in the kitchen. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 18, 2015


Had a relaxing, leisurely day. Karen made us pancakes, bacon, and sausage for breakfast, then we walked over to my parents house. Tom helped my dad work on some projects at Karen's, and then he came over to my parents' house too. TJ's family, Ed, Nina, Ben, Joe, Tommy, and Charlie went to Legoland.

I sat on the porch and did embroidery for a while. Tom and I, Kurt, Aaron, and Garrett went to the pool and went swimming. Then Tom, Kurt, Aaron, and I went to Walmart with Grandma Fran. Got home. Garrett helped Gr. Fran make little pizzas while I made a salad and cut up a cantaloupe  and a pineapple. Tom, Ed, Nina, and I went for another swim before supper. The mosquitos were bad. 

The Legoland crew came back and we ate. Then we walked back to Karen's house for pickin' around her new fire pit. Everything was acoustic and not loud at all, but a neighbor complained at 10:00 PM and it fizzled out after that. They were so quiet we had to strain to hear them. Grumpy people. :0(

On the other hand, I think everyone was ready to go to bed, and we did. 

The second pic is of a rug that me grandma made when I was little. I've always remembered it and I saw it in my mom's bedroom.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 17, 2015


I got up at 6 and woke everyone up. Loaded up the van and people and I think we left about 7:30. Had a nice ride. I think everyone enjoys the down time riding in the van. 

We arrived at Nervous Nellies in Fort Myers at 1 o'clock. They set is all up at a long table in the shade and fed us. It was great! Then the band set up and we moved to the other side of the stage where the kids could play in the grass. It was fun, but we thought we were playing till 5:30, and they gave us the sign for one more song when we still had 4 more songs to go. We had to cut out Naomi's song, and Jake singing "In the Jailhouse" and Charlie singing Pink Floyd. Grandma Fran and grandpa Gary came with some friends. 

Naomi, Nina, Aaron, Tommy, Charlie, and I walked a short distance to Dairy Queen. We left and drove to Grandma and grandpa's park. TJ's family stayed at grandma's and the rest of us stayed at a friend of theirs, Karen's. Tom and I had a bedroom, Nina and Naomi a bedroom, and 8 boys slept in the lanai.

Tom left at about 10 PM to take the van to the place we bought it from, over in Fort Pierce. The engine light came on while we were driving to the gig and Tom wanted it checked out. After Tom left I realized my backpack was left in the back of the van. All my stuff was in there. I was so busy helping others with their stuff, I forgot mine. :0( I texted Tom. He was aggravated. He was already 20 minutes out and had atleast a 2 hour drive. I told him to forget it, just to keep going. He decided to come back. 

I guess he went to bed and left early in the morning instead, but turned around again. The engine light went off. What a pain in the butt. He's ready to trade in the van. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015


I went walking this morning. Tom fixed my hose bib so I was finally able to water my plants with the hose, instead of gallon jugs carried from the kitchen. Garrett was in charge of chores, but we had to nag kids till it was just about time to leave for Sloppy Joes. 

Sloppy's was busy. Jake, Ian, and Ariel were awesome. Toko sang too. By the last set, it was loud and crazy. I was looking forward to the end. We loaded up and headed for home. 

When we got home we packed for Tuesday's trip to Fort Myers and went to bed. 

March 15, 2015


We went to church. Kim and Ang came over afterwards with kids and we quilted for awhile. When they went home Tom and I went to Byron and Ida's and watched the race. Dale E. Jr.'s car blew a tire and smashed into the wall so he was out of the race. Byron and Ida made us a delicious dinner.

We left there and went to church. Tommy hurt his leg on the tramp and asked Garrett to work for him and Garrett wouldn't, so II had to manage their fighting through texts. Grrrr. Garrett finally went. 

After church we went home. The boys went to the park to play hockey. I went to Winn Dixie and got groceries. Got home the same time the hockey players did (9:10 PM) and made spaghetti, a salad, and Naomi helped me cut up cantaloupe, pineapple, and strawberries. After I ate I went straight to bed and left the kids to clean up. Someone put leftovers away but no one did the dishes. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 14, 2015


Kim picked Charlie and I up at 9:15 AM and we went to the beach at Bahia Honda. We stayed for almost 3 hours. When we got home Charlie and I went in the hot tub. I showered and then we took some clothes that I bought for Callie and Violet over to Angelica's. I took Charlie over to Kim's, then had to drive back home to pick up some things that Tom needed. I went back to Kim's, picked up Charlie, then went to the studio to weave. I didn't have much time, but wove for about 45 minutes before leaving for Schooner Wharf. The band played earlier at Sunset Pier and then went over to Schooner.

Earlier this morning Tommy and a friend went with a group on a 12 mile bike ride on Big Pine, put on by the nature preserve. 

Tom asked me to bring some green shirts for the boys, but I had already made an extra trip back to the house, and was now running a little late, and I figured the boys probably wouldn't wear them anyways, so I didn't go back to get them.

The air wasn't working in Nina's van so we stopped at Walgreens, where TJ had left the Saturn, and switched cars. It was too hot to drive for an hour to Key West. I tried parking in a lot near Schooner but it was full. Tom had to park the car for me. He squeezed it in front of the Sprinter. 

Schooner was packed and our usual table was occupied, so we had to sit to the side and back a little of the stage, which is ok, but boring. You can't see the stage from there. So at about 10 TJ said he was going home early and I went with him. I went to bed as soon as I got home. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015


I got up and went walking today. Didn't run at all though. I moved the laundry along, picked up, made my bed, stuff like that. I told Garrett that if he made the other kids pick chores, he wouldn't get stuck with most of them, so he did it. 

I emptied my old purse and threw it out, paid bills, watered plants, and finally started school, math and literature today.

Tom built bunks in the computer nook, high over everyone's heads. It is now Ben and Ed's room. They bought a curtain and rod that came today and they put it up. They need to buy a desk and shelves, maybe from IKEA. 

Charlie played on the trampoline for hours. His new fiddle bow came today too, so he played a little. 

At 4:30 we left for Schooner Wharf. Garrett and Tommy stayed home. Garrett had to work at church and Tommy wanted to go to movie night. 

One of our favorite waitresses was back, Cat. Nina brought Ian and Ariel to Schooner's. They have been gone a long time, atleast a month, in Georgia. It was good to see them. Toko and Jen came over with baby Moses. I had planned on going home early, but the night went by fast and I stayed. Toko sang with Nina and the band at the end.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015


I'm four days behind in my writing. I've been tired and a little down. Tired of the same old, same old. Everything's dirty, no one's helping with chores, and school has been a drag too. 

Monday I walked and cleaned, until we left for Sloppy Joes. Got home about 11:30 PM.

Tuesday we did Bible, literature, and grammar, then went to gym class. Tom went too. We dropped the boys at the park, stopped at Home Depot, then went to Sombrero Beach to see Grandpa Bob, but he wasn't there. We walked down the beach and back, then picked up the boys and went home. I was supposed to go to Tai Chi, and should have, but I cancelled. Just didn't want to go anywhere. I made supper, vegan meatloaf, baked potatoes, and a green salad. The boys went to hockey and Tom finally came home. He was working at someone's house, fixing a toilet and putting in a new floor. I needed the car. I dropped him off at the park and went to Winn Dixie. I bought strawberries, cantaloupe, and pineapples. I cut it all up and that went with our supper. Oh, I made mushroom gravy too. Still not as good as my mom's though. Got to bed too late again. We don't eat till 9:30. Then clean up. 


It should have been a good school day but we did about half our work. Tom dropped Charlie and I off at Kim's studio to help her beam. It went quick, our best time ever. Then we went to church. I brought TJ's kids to our house and watched them so they could go to the young adults' group. 


Spent the day picking up, throwing out, putting away. Garrett left a bag of garbage in the kitchen and it was covered with ants this morning. Ed and I went to Salvation Army. I was going to teach a piano lesson but my student was sick. Then the grandkids were dropped off for me to watch during the Springer's gig. Tom came home (finished the bathroom job) and we took the kids for a walk before going to Springer's. Charlie broke his fiddle bow a few days ago, kind of leaning on it like a cane. Grrr.  I ordered a new one for $60 and now he can't practice till it comes, so he couldn't play at the gig tonight. Jake sang a new song with Angelica about wanting to be in a family band. It was great. 

We walked home. I fed the babies. Jake and Callie played with puzzles and dominoes. Kurt and Garrett bought a used trampoline yesterday so the kids were out on that for a while. We hope that it doesn't turn out to be a hangout in the hood like our last one. 

The big kids all had youth group, then I had Kurt buy us some frozen pizzas for supper. I hate it when my ambition is low, but I am lagging. 

I guess I'm just running on empty. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 8, 2015


We went to church. Afterwards, Kim and Ang came over, but Tom and I went to a friend's surprise 50th birthday party. While we were waiting for the birthday girl to arrive, a grumpy neighbor came by complaining about the dogs barking. That was interesting. 

We went back home and then went to an open house, a million dollar house that a friend was showing. That was fun. Then home again. We tried to watch the Nascar race, but no tv and no cables dr it impossible, until Ed and Ben came home. They knew what to do and had the race on the projector screen just in time for Tom and I to leave for our class at church. :0( I haven't been able to watch a race yet. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 7, 2015


This morning Charlie and I went to the beach at Bahia Honda. It was cloudy when we got there, with the sun peeking out here and there. That helped keep us from getting too hot. We were there from about 10-2. It was great. 

When we left I ordered us a sub, picked it up, and stopped at Winn Dixie for chocolate cake. Then we had us a little picnic at home in the kitchen, complete with ants on the kitchen table. :0)

The band had gone to the Sunset Pier gig after we went to the beach. They weren't even up when we left. Anyways,  I made chili in the crockpot and then went to Kim's studio to weave. I hope to finish the project next time I'm there. 

The band went from Sunset Pier to play at a wedding in Key West, I cleaned and swept the living room and kitchen, did dishes, and cleaned off the island. I made a salad and we ate. I did laundry. I read to Charlie and went to bed before the band got home. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 6, 2015


I was going to watch TJ's kids at our house today, while he, Angelica, and Nina played at Blue Heaven, but at the last minute I decided to go with them and watch Violet there. 

When we finished there we headed over to our Sloppy Joes gig. Tom wasn't there yet with the van and trailer, and a group of motorcycles were trying to park in the loading zone. We had to show them the 'No Parking' sign and after they left scooters kept trying to park there. We finally stood out there in the way. 

We think we had a record tonight at Sloppy's, worst night of tips ever. Oh well. Driving home someone asked me what I was making for supper. It was already 8 o'clock and I had been gone since 8:30 AM! I was not going to make supper!

I went in the hot tub with Charlie, then we read, and then I went to bed.

Here's a pic from Blue Heaven. Notice the chickens watching the band.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015


I exercised on my bathroom floor today. I'm trying hard, and it's hard. I am so lazy and it is so hard to take the time to do it. I had to water some plants on the porch. They were drooping. My hose bib is still broken. Tom hasn't had time to fix it. I have to fill and carry gallon jugs from the kitchen sink and it takes me atleast an hour to water everything. 

We did school forever, well, it seemed like forever. It started out ok, but by our third subject tommy and Garrett were poking each other and being really dumb. I was sitting right there. That made me grumpy. I took a 15 minute break and then got back in the trenches. Joe corrected Tommy's math with him and even Joe was starting to lose it. I decided to try tommy in a differentiate curriculum and go back a grade. He is just getting too many wrong and his work is so messy. 

I made stir-fried vegetables for lunch, with leftover beans and rice and cut up a pineapple. We did more schoolwork till the boys went to youth group. Today they met at the park for ultimate frisbie.

TJ dropped off the kids and then went to the gig at Springer's. At 6:30 Tom and I walked with the little kids and Charlie over to the gig. Jake and Callie were a little naighty at first but then took a turn for the best.

We walked he and I made Jake and Callie sweet potato fries. Callie fell asleep, but not Violet. Something was bugging her. 

We ate leftovers, I read to Charlie, and we went to bed.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015


I went walking this morning. Kim met me at the park with Stevie. After I ran my laps we walked around following Stevie, then she went home. 

 I showered and started school. We are doing ok, plugging along. I think we get 2/3 done of what I want to get done each day. The big kids had a meeting at church. At 4:30 Charlie and I went to Kim's studio, and the band went to their gig at Schooner Wharf. I took the night off from that. At The studio, I wove maybe 2 feet on my project. Then it was time for church, so Charlie and I went. 

We ate at church. Rob stopped in to say hi and listened to the music. We went home and Charlie and I watched an episode of "The Waltons." I went over algebra problems that I got wrong earlier, and helped Garrett with a few of his. Tommy emptied the dishwasher, Garrett loaded it, and then I did the hand washing. I cleaned off the island and went to bed.

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015


We went to church. Nina's band went to Sunset Pier. After church Kim came over and we went to Ida and Byron's and went swimming. Charlie, Jake, and I were the only ones that went in the pool. I think the water was 73 degrees. But we had fun. Ida and Byron fed us lunch and we hung out for a while. 

When we left we had to hurry and change out of our swimsuits and go to TJ and Angelica's gig at the Episcopal church in Marathon. TJ and Ang had gone to a wedding in Key West earlier, but they beat us to the gig. We set up quickly. Tom and I watched the kids at the gig. They fed us chicken BBQ. 

The kids were good and the show was great. Jake sang "Candy Kisses" and "In the Jailhouse." Charlie played "Oh Susannah." I got some pictures afterward of Callie singing "Keep on the Sunny Side." I didn't know she was learning it. :0)