Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 17, 2015


I got up at 6 and woke everyone up. Loaded up the van and people and I think we left about 7:30. Had a nice ride. I think everyone enjoys the down time riding in the van. 

We arrived at Nervous Nellies in Fort Myers at 1 o'clock. They set is all up at a long table in the shade and fed us. It was great! Then the band set up and we moved to the other side of the stage where the kids could play in the grass. It was fun, but we thought we were playing till 5:30, and they gave us the sign for one more song when we still had 4 more songs to go. We had to cut out Naomi's song, and Jake singing "In the Jailhouse" and Charlie singing Pink Floyd. Grandma Fran and grandpa Gary came with some friends. 

Naomi, Nina, Aaron, Tommy, Charlie, and I walked a short distance to Dairy Queen. We left and drove to Grandma and grandpa's park. TJ's family stayed at grandma's and the rest of us stayed at a friend of theirs, Karen's. Tom and I had a bedroom, Nina and Naomi a bedroom, and 8 boys slept in the lanai.

Tom left at about 10 PM to take the van to the place we bought it from, over in Fort Pierce. The engine light came on while we were driving to the gig and Tom wanted it checked out. After Tom left I realized my backpack was left in the back of the van. All my stuff was in there. I was so busy helping others with their stuff, I forgot mine. :0( I texted Tom. He was aggravated. He was already 20 minutes out and had atleast a 2 hour drive. I told him to forget it, just to keep going. He decided to come back. 

I guess he went to bed and left early in the morning instead, but turned around again. The engine light went off. What a pain in the butt. He's ready to trade in the van. 

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