Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015


I got up and went walking today. Didn't run at all though. I moved the laundry along, picked up, made my bed, stuff like that. I told Garrett that if he made the other kids pick chores, he wouldn't get stuck with most of them, so he did it. 

I emptied my old purse and threw it out, paid bills, watered plants, and finally started school, math and literature today.

Tom built bunks in the computer nook, high over everyone's heads. It is now Ben and Ed's room. They bought a curtain and rod that came today and they put it up. They need to buy a desk and shelves, maybe from IKEA. 

Charlie played on the trampoline for hours. His new fiddle bow came today too, so he played a little. 

At 4:30 we left for Schooner Wharf. Garrett and Tommy stayed home. Garrett had to work at church and Tommy wanted to go to movie night. 

One of our favorite waitresses was back, Cat. Nina brought Ian and Ariel to Schooner's. They have been gone a long time, atleast a month, in Georgia. It was good to see them. Toko and Jen came over with baby Moses. I had planned on going home early, but the night went by fast and I stayed. Toko sang with Nina and the band at the end.

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