Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 19, 2015


I got up with my alarm hoping to get everyone moving. We packed up and went to my mom's house for breakfast sausage, bisquits, and gravy.  We were finally on our way, at 10:45 AM, only 45 minutes late. 

We had a relaxing 5 hour drive back to Big Pine. I did embroidery most of the way. Tom took care of a lot of business on the phone, and the kids played games. 

One of Tom's phone calls was a bluegrass band from NC, Nu-Blu. They were coming into the Keys and needed a place to park their bus, so Tom told them they could park at our house. He also lined up a gig for them at Springer's tonight. 

We got home at 4. The big kids hurried to church to set up for youth group. I went through the mail and then rode my bike to Springer's to eat and listen to the band. Tom met me there and we stayed till they were done. When we got home at 10 o'clock, the kids were back and it was stuffy in the house, so Tom and I went to Walgreens and bought two new box fans for windows in the kitchen. 

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