Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 24, 2015


TJ dropped of his kids at 8:30 and picked up Nina to go play at Blue Heaven. Jake went to the gig too. Ian and Ariel were here. Ariel played nice with Callie, but Ian was bored till the other kids came back later. Ed dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson at 9 AM. Tom went to work at church at 10. Kurt picked up Charlie and took him and Garrett, Aaron, and Tommy to  Lower Sugarloaf. He dropped them off there with their bikes to go on a bike ride and bridge jump with the homeschoolers. A while later Kurt had to drive back down there and pick them up. 

Joe folded laundry till 4. TJ got back just before 4 and picked up Violet and Callie, and I went to Tai Chi. I picked up my produce afterwards and went home. I put the other lasagna (from Saturday) in the oven and threw together a salad and cut up cantaloupe, strawberries, and pineapple. 

There is cardboard all over the living room. Ed bought all this lighting stuff. It really is a mess. Shoes everywhere. We also have another ant invasion so I have ant poison akin there little road they have made in front it the bookshelf. It's a dirty mess. 

It's spring break. We had extra kids here late, jumping on the tramp and hanging around. 

Went to my room after supper, knit a few rows and read a chapter in "Tending the Heart of Virtue" before falling asleep.

Here's a pic of where the boys went today. The loop was the bike ride and then the brave ones jumped off a bridge. 

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