Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015


I went walking this morning. Kim met me at the park with Stevie. After I ran my laps we walked around following Stevie, then she went home. 

 I showered and started school. We are doing ok, plugging along. I think we get 2/3 done of what I want to get done each day. The big kids had a meeting at church. At 4:30 Charlie and I went to Kim's studio, and the band went to their gig at Schooner Wharf. I took the night off from that. At The studio, I wove maybe 2 feet on my project. Then it was time for church, so Charlie and I went. 

We ate at church. Rob stopped in to say hi and listened to the music. We went home and Charlie and I watched an episode of "The Waltons." I went over algebra problems that I got wrong earlier, and helped Garrett with a few of his. Tommy emptied the dishwasher, Garrett loaded it, and then I did the hand washing. I cleaned off the island and went to bed.

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