Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015


I'm four days behind in my writing. I've been tired and a little down. Tired of the same old, same old. Everything's dirty, no one's helping with chores, and school has been a drag too. 

Monday I walked and cleaned, until we left for Sloppy Joes. Got home about 11:30 PM.

Tuesday we did Bible, literature, and grammar, then went to gym class. Tom went too. We dropped the boys at the park, stopped at Home Depot, then went to Sombrero Beach to see Grandpa Bob, but he wasn't there. We walked down the beach and back, then picked up the boys and went home. I was supposed to go to Tai Chi, and should have, but I cancelled. Just didn't want to go anywhere. I made supper, vegan meatloaf, baked potatoes, and a green salad. The boys went to hockey and Tom finally came home. He was working at someone's house, fixing a toilet and putting in a new floor. I needed the car. I dropped him off at the park and went to Winn Dixie. I bought strawberries, cantaloupe, and pineapples. I cut it all up and that went with our supper. Oh, I made mushroom gravy too. Still not as good as my mom's though. Got to bed too late again. We don't eat till 9:30. Then clean up. 


It should have been a good school day but we did about half our work. Tom dropped Charlie and I off at Kim's studio to help her beam. It went quick, our best time ever. Then we went to church. I brought TJ's kids to our house and watched them so they could go to the young adults' group. 


Spent the day picking up, throwing out, putting away. Garrett left a bag of garbage in the kitchen and it was covered with ants this morning. Ed and I went to Salvation Army. I was going to teach a piano lesson but my student was sick. Then the grandkids were dropped off for me to watch during the Springer's gig. Tom came home (finished the bathroom job) and we took the kids for a walk before going to Springer's. Charlie broke his fiddle bow a few days ago, kind of leaning on it like a cane. Grrr.  I ordered a new one for $60 and now he can't practice till it comes, so he couldn't play at the gig tonight. Jake sang a new song with Angelica about wanting to be in a family band. It was great. 

We walked home. I fed the babies. Jake and Callie played with puzzles and dominoes. Kurt and Garrett bought a used trampoline yesterday so the kids were out on that for a while. We hope that it doesn't turn out to be a hangout in the hood like our last one. 

The big kids all had youth group, then I had Kurt buy us some frozen pizzas for supper. I hate it when my ambition is low, but I am lagging. 

I guess I'm just running on empty. 

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