Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 23, 2015


I went walking, and then couldn't decide what to do next. It's spring break here, and I had planned on doing bookkeeping all week, but Monday is my short day to get things done, since we leave for work at 3:30. So I did some school with the kids. 

Ed ordered a bunch of lighting things and they came today, 9 big boxes. Crazy Eddy. I made a giant salad and then we left for Sloppy Joes. It was busy and loud and fun.  Some old friends of Tom's from Orchard Park were in the audience. They stayed for the whole show and Tom sat with them while running sound.

It started to rain just as we pulled out and it poured while we drove home. I was scared my school books were getting wrecked at home because I left the windows open near the shelves, but Nina was home sick and closed them when it started raining in Big Pine. 

Everyone else was on their second wind when we got home but I went straight to bed.

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