Friday, March 20, 2015

March 18, 2015


Had a relaxing, leisurely day. Karen made us pancakes, bacon, and sausage for breakfast, then we walked over to my parents house. Tom helped my dad work on some projects at Karen's, and then he came over to my parents' house too. TJ's family, Ed, Nina, Ben, Joe, Tommy, and Charlie went to Legoland.

I sat on the porch and did embroidery for a while. Tom and I, Kurt, Aaron, and Garrett went to the pool and went swimming. Then Tom, Kurt, Aaron, and I went to Walmart with Grandma Fran. Got home. Garrett helped Gr. Fran make little pizzas while I made a salad and cut up a cantaloupe  and a pineapple. Tom, Ed, Nina, and I went for another swim before supper. The mosquitos were bad. 

The Legoland crew came back and we ate. Then we walked back to Karen's house for pickin' around her new fire pit. Everything was acoustic and not loud at all, but a neighbor complained at 10:00 PM and it fizzled out after that. They were so quiet we had to strain to hear them. Grumpy people. :0(

On the other hand, I think everyone was ready to go to bed, and we did. 

The second pic is of a rug that me grandma made when I was little. I've always remembered it and I saw it in my mom's bedroom.

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