Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015


Looks like I was on vacation.  I haven't written for a week. Vacation? What's that? But I guess I was on vacation from writing. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but I was just up too late every night to write.

Yesterday:  church, sewing, grocery shopping, made a huge Buffalo chicken lasagna and two ice cream cakes. The boys played hockey, then we ate and had a birthday party for Kurt, Aaron, and Jewel. We watched funny videos that the boys have made over the years. That is always fun. :0) Read to Charlie. 

 Now, back to today...

I went walking this morning and watered a few thirsty plants. I got Garrett and Tommy started with their schoolwork and then finished sewing Violet's Easter dress. It has lots of ruffles. Yesterday Kim was over, and she cut out Ariel's dress for me. So tomorrow I hope to get most of the sewing done on that. And the next day, Callie's dress. They are all the same dress pattern but different colors. Violet's is violet,  Ariel's is yellow, and Callie's will be pink. 

We left for Sloppy's at 3 so we could stop and meet people for a new gig. An accident happened in the street while we were waiting in the parking lot. 

The knitting needles I needed for Jake's sweater came today, so I knitted during most of Sloppy's, while sitting at the CD table. There were lots of fans there today. Nice! 

I forgot to mention that we have guests, Jewel and Emma. They came on Friday. I'm not sure how long they are staying. I haven't had a chance to ask anyone, but they are on spring break.

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