Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015


My sore throat has turned scratchy. I used many cough drops during the night.  The night was cool and we used the blankets. Yay! Blankets feel good. 

Turns out Ed and Nina went by themselves for her appointment to get her wisdom teeth pulled. They were gone most of the day. The oral surgeon said her roots were sideways and very curvy. But she is here now icing both a sides of her face.

Today was a day off. Everyone relaxed and did a lot of nothing. Tom and I took a walk. I made boxed macaroni and cheese and a salad for supper. Then we watched "Castaway." I had never seen it, which isn't surprising. 

We are going to wait till the morning and see how Nina is feeling. If she feels like traveling we will leave and head for WNY, a 9 hour drive that will probably take us 12. 

I read to Charlie and got to bed before 11:30 PM.

We all miss Kim, Doug, Stevie, and Reed.

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