Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013


TJ, Ang, Ed, and Nina went to play at Blue Heaven this morning. I don't think I've been there for 2 months. Today I stayed home to babysit.

I finally got some boxes of clothes to Salvation Army and cleaned up the entryway. Garrett had more garbage to clean up from the deer. I spent the day cleaning and then we headed to our gig at Schooner Wharf.

I sat and crocheted. The kids played tag and the band played on till midnight.

I forgot to mention that yesterday's almond milk yogurt was a flop and went down the drain. Maybe I'll try another batch of coconut milk yogurt tomorrow.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27, 2013


Tom, Joe, and I left for Joe's Dr. appt. in Miami at 10:30 AM. I got a pic of an overweight-almost-naked guy on a motorcycle. We got there at 1:00. The visit was only $50! The last two doctors we went to were around $200 or more a visit. He has to go back next Wednesday for blood work, more specific than what's been done before. He will go to Fisherman's Hospital in Marathon next week to do a 6 hour sugar test. I'm thankful for the testing they are going to do, but do you think they could have saved us a trip and just scheduled one appointment to do the blood work? Basically, it was "Nice to meet you-$50. Come back next week for tests-$100."

We did kill two birds with one stone but it was a long, hungry day. After the appointment, Tom tried to get the new RV on the road. The first DMV we went to was 40 miles from the doctor's and it wasn't there anymore. It had been closed for about 2 years. Do you think they could update the website? Also, the phone numbers for the DMVs were the same and just recordings. So we found the next closest DMV, 30 minutes away, and went there, Pompano Beach. Joe and I finally got something to eat at Dunkin Donuts, but this DMV didn't do tags. So we found the next DMV in Deerfield Heights I think, 20 more minutes and finally got the tag. There was a fee of over $200 for the tag.

This whole time, Tom was on the phone trying to line up new tires on the RV because the ones on it are really bad and it needs new ones in order for him to drive it to the Keys. I spent some time crocheting.

Next we drove to the storage lot and he showed us the RV. The tire shop had said they could change the tires today but now called and said they didn't have time. So Tom will have to wait till Wednesday to go back to Miami, get the new tires put on, ($1000ish) and drive home, while getting Joe to his Dr.s visit. Tom will also need another driver to get the car back here. He could have gone to the DMV in Key West if he hadn't been trying to get the RV to the tire shop. It was all for nothing but now at least it's done.

The drive back seemed awfully long. I was really sick of sitting in the car. Traffic around Miami was slow. I did take a bunch of pictures of the sun setting. We stopped at Wendy's for salads and finally got home about 9.

I did the dishes and the boys took me over to the studio to see their new furniture and drum arrangement. They decorated the walls by the drums with cymbals and it looks pretty cool. We listened to some new songs that they had written and then some old songs, Joe Walsh, Cheap Trick, and Jackson Browne. Then we came home.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013


I forgot to mention that I discovered Irish Crochet yesterday online and I can't wait to try it. Also, yesterday I sewed my crocheted lace onto a new pillowcase.

I walked to Walgreens this morning. We were out of paper for the printer. When I came out of the store it started to rain so I had to wait for it to stop, about 5-10 minutes. The sun came back out and I made it home.

We have two printers and the one I use died yesterday. :0(

I had to be mean and make Garrett and Tommy do a little schoolwork and chores. Garrett had to clean up garbage that the deer spread around our front yard. Then I made him clean the computer nook and the carport. Tommy had to clean their bedroom, but of course he only did about half the job.

My yogurt from Tuesday looked great but had the consistency of jello an that's not what I'm looking for. I made two loaves of bread. I'm trying to find a whole wheat bread recipe that I like.

Tom worked in the morning and then had to drive to Fort Lauderdale (3 1/2 hours ish) to pick up TJ and family from the airport.

We went to church. The 15 pass van has a bad tire so it's out of commission. Tom had Ed's van and Ben had Tom's car so I had to take the GMC van. Then Rob wanted to borrow it to move and he traded it for his new sporty car. Ben took me to Winn Dixie in it to buy milk after church. I think it made his day.

When we got home I made a batch of almond milk yogurt. Wish me luck. I made popcorn and Ed and Nina made Rice Krispy treats. We watched a movie, Jack and the Giant Slayer I think. It was fun but I stayed up too late and ate to many treats.

Tomorrow Tom and I are driving to Miami for Joe's Dr. appt. I'm anxious about it.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Tom bought an RV, I think he said $6000. He will show it to me and Joe after the Dr. appt. it needs new tires so he's not driving it home tomorrow.

June 25, 2013


I can't remember much from Tuesday. It seems to happen too often that when we get a day off I am slow going with no ambition and that's what happened. I took care of little things that needed to be done. I started a new project, a present for someone, but it's a secret so I can't say anything about it.

Kim and I went for supper at No Name Pub. That was a bright spot in my day. The boys played hockey and I ordered them pizza for their supper. I made a salad too and there were grapes and cantaloupe.

I've been experimenting making coconut milk yogurt so I tried another batch. The last one was the right consistency but kind of sour tasting.

There was a TON of dishes to do. I loaded the dishwasher and made Garrett wash.

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013


Kind of rushed around all morning and afternoon until we left for Sloppy's. I convinced Joe to walk with me to Winn Dixie. Ben and Garrett worked at someone's house helping them close everything up and did yard work. They have to go back tomorrow to clean the guys boat. Ed finally took care of some secretarial work, scanning and emailing contracts. I did some paperwork and made a salad to take to Sloppy's for my supper. Tommy finished his history today. Yay Tommy!!

Sloppy's was pretty busy. I met a woman who had seen us play in Mayville, NY 5 years ago. She had pictures of Tommy.

River and Tiger sang again. It's fun to see the excitement in their faces and the crowds. Some new fans had their picture taken with the band.

When we were done we went to Rob's to watch game 6 in the Stanley Cup playoffs. He made pizza for us and we had chicken and ice cream. He's a bad influence on me. I brought my salad in but didn't touch it. Chicago scored two goals in the last few minutes to win it.

We got home after 1 AM.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23, 2012

Woke up a little early and sat outside on my hammock chair, then spun at the spinning wheel for a bit. Went to church and then to a friends to help them pack to move tomorrow. They are moving to Montana.

They wanted to go out on their sailboat one last time so we went out for a sunset and moonrise sail. But first we met up with another family and all of us (14 and only 4 Doerfels) went for Chinese and then sailing. It was fun but Tommy and Charlie were not very good listeners (to me). I'm not happy with them. Got home about 11.

Nina had an afternoon gig in KW. Some of the older boys played hockey in KW tonight.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 22, 2013


Walked to Winn Dixie and bought strawberries, blueberries, and almond milk. Made yogurt and made Timmy clean the hallway bathroom and Garrett the living room. Printed some contracts. Registered Kurt, Garrett, and Tommy for 3 online classes for the next school year.

The band had two gigs today. I stayed home from the first one in Key West, but went to the second one in Marathon. Glad Dahlia was at the second one to keep me company. Yeah for home school moms! Hoping to do something soon that I want to do.

Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21, 2013


I didn't write last night because Joe had another seizure and I didn't feel like writing. It happened a little after 3:00 and we had to leave for a gig at 4:30. His other ones had been a month apart. This one was just a week from the last one.

So this morning I made Tom call for an appointment for Joe with an endocrinologist in Miami. He is going on Thursday. I think it's about a 3 hour drive.

I drove kids to VBS. I went walking yesterday and today, and I exercised yesterday, but today my weights disappeared. Nobody knows nothing. Does that happen to anyone else or am I the only one? Showered and ate my homemade granola with strawberries, then picked up the kids from VBS. Today was the last day. They had fun, but we never got chores done once this week. I'm looking forward to them being home next week so the chores get done.

The younger boys went to Shannon's house. I made yogurt and then Tom and I went to check out a neat little spot on the Gulf side. We saw a big shell with a crab in it and a thing that looked like a little octopus or a squid. Next we were off to a friend's house for a swim. I needed that. I would live in my swimsuit if I had a pool.

When we got home (7 PM) the boys went off to play hockey. I went into depression. The kitchen was trashed. No one washed dishes for 2 days, and I did not want to clean the kitchen so I could make supper. I watered my plants, got over it, and decided on spaghetti for supper, so off I went to Winn Dixie to buy the stuff. I took a picture on my way out of the flowering tree across the street.

I hurried the noodles, meatballs, and sauce, chopped the salad, and chopped some strawberries for one of my favorites, Strawberry Shortcake. Of course Tom had to let me know he doesn't like Strawberry Shortcake, like I'm never supposed to eat it again? I used to pick wild strawberries in the field behind my parents' house. Love strawberries!

We ate at 9 PM, which is normal supper time here on hockey nights. Ben loaded the dishwasher but it hardly put a dent in the dishes. The boys left for the studio to record so I finished the dishes. :0( Poor me.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19, 2013

Drove kids to VBS in my PJs again. I had a slow morning and didn't get much accomplished. I made pancakes for the kids. I did order a file box and folders. Now that 2012 taxes are done its time for me to start getting the books in order for 2013.

I cooked coconut black beans. I went through Tom's clothes and got rid of a bunch. I went through some junk that accumulated behind my bedroom door. I took care of lots of little 30 second jobs that I never have time for.

I also decided my desk cannot be my sewing table and a business desk. I can never sew with the business stuff on it, and there's no room to do business with the sewing machines taking up space. I'm not sure how to fix that one just yet.

I made oatmeal banana cookies, ate my beans, salad, and strawberries, and then we all met up at church.

We had 4 vehicles at church. When church was over, I hurried to Winn Dixie to buy the Pull-ups I couldn't get last night, then back home. Rob pulled in right when I got home. He brought Chinese for us all. We watched game 4 of the Stanley Cup finals, Boston and Chicago. Chicago won. The series is 2-2.

Tonight at our house we have 2 parents, 7 Doerfel kids, 4 Newtons, and a friend Allissa. Aaron wants a new mattress. He says metal pokes him in the back. :0( Like Roseanne Rosanna Danna said, "It's always something."

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18, 2013

I drove a bunch of kids to VBS. I cleaned up the kitchen some and made Ben pick up the living room. I exercised today. Haven't done that in a while. Ed and I went to Winn Dixie for a few things, $200 worth. I put it away while making lunch for all these kids: 8 Doerfels, 4 Newtons, Shannon, and 2 other friends, River and Tiger, and me. The older kids all went to the studio. They recorded a song that River wrote. I rode my bike about three blocks to get my hair trimmed. It looks and feels really good. :0)

I spent the afternoon cleaning off my desk and putting more things away from our trip that had piled up in my room. The desk is clean but i still can't use it. There are a few things I don't know what to do with. I also went through Tommy's clothes. His clothes are in my closet and one of his shelves broke so the clothes have been on the floor. Since I can't fix the shelf I decided to thin out his clothes so he wouldn't need the shelf. It worked.

I forgot that today was produce day and my fridge was pretty full from my trip to Winn Dixie. I had to pick it up from a different house. Kim invited me over for dinner around 5, chili and cornbread-yum! And then Doug took me over to pick up my produce. The location had changed so we went to a different house and finally got it and I drove my big white van home.

The kids came back from the studio and most of them went to the park to play hockey. I almost sat down at the spinning wheel but didn't get to it. I ordered 6 pizzas at 8 PM. Supper is always at 9 on Tuesdays after hockey. It's buy one, get one free night at Slice of Paradise. It cost me $47. I'm happy with that. I chopped up a huge salad and made everyone eat salad before they could have pizza.

I was about to fall asleep and remembered that I was out of pull-ups and I have two who needed them. Shannon also needed a ride home too, so Tom and I went out. Winn Dixie closed an hour early tonight (grrrr) so we are pull-up-less tonight. :0(

Tom went to bed frustrated with his job, and then complained about our kids having too much free time and too many video games. I am trying to get back on my feet after our trip, and VBS has taken over the mornings so chores haven't been done. I am spending my spare minutes looking for things to keep the boys busy so there isn't as much time for video games. And really, the boys were home for 3 hours yesterday, and about 3 hours today, to eat.

I think Joe is going to take an online music theory class, and possibly some bass lessons. I have to figure out Kurt's life, and then Ben's, and when I get it all figured out, summer will be over and it will change. And it's all going to cost money. Ugh!!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013


Most of the kids went to VBS at church this morning. I spent some time putting things away from our trip. Then I put portfolios together to send in to be evaluated for home schooling. I have one kid to finish tomorrow.

The kids all came home and I made them spaghetti. I picked up some kids and then hurried to make a salad for my lunch/supper. I ate it while we drove to Sloppy's. Garrett stayed home. He was supposed to do history and math and do the dishes. I got home and the dishes weren't done. Ill check the school work tomorrow. Anyways, Sloppy's was pretty busy and a little crazy. I still need a few days off.

Rob invited us over to watch hockey. Most of the kids went but Tom, Kurt, Tommy, and I went home. I thought I'd get to bed earlier but it didn't happen. It was an uneventful day, just taking care of business.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013

Went to church and then for a quick swim at Byron and Ida's. The Newtons, Ben, and Ed played at Sunset Pier. Then we met up at Hogfish to play at a benefit. The little boys had a friend over and we let them stay home with Garrett.

The benefit was for Diver Judy. She was injured very badly while working under someone's yacht. Someone started the motor. There was a great turnout. Toko played first, then the Newtons, then River and Tiger, and then the Doerfels. I enjoyed a break from the little boys. I ate too much. I don't do that very often anymore.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013


I set my alarm for 7 am so I could feed Joe. He ate his yogurt and went back to sleep. Then I went back to sleep. I got up about 9 and had two hours to get a few things done and get ready for our gigs. I packed a small cooler for Joe and we were off at 11. Garrett stayed home because he had to work in the evening.

The gig at Sunset Pier at Ocean Key Resort was fun. We ate. The band played. There was a guy flying around on some weird water thing. Kind of sci-fi looking and creepy I thought. Nina brought River, Tiger, and Aaron over and they sang a few songs and harmonized together. The crowd loved it and I did too. Then Nina sang a few songs and we ended with Charlie. When you walk to the bathroom there, you walk under a ceiling of vines held up on wires with flowers growing on them. It's so pretty. I love it.

We left there and drove to Hogfish. Ingrid was there and she took wonderful care of us, like she always does and the food was delicious. Ed and Nina had to leave for about an hour and a half to play at a wedding at the beach. I think I would like to do that. Maybe someday when I grow up.

Tommy and I sat outside while the band played. I crocheted and ordered a few things online from my phone. It was hot but there was a breeze.

Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and I rode home with Kim. Tommy emptied the dishwasher for me, and I asked Garrett to load the dishwasher but he decided to go to bed instead. He's on my bad boy list. He was home all day and did nothing.

I took a shower. Feeling a bit down. I need some space, my own space, and could use a little privacy. There's 12 of us home tonight. It's not bad and the house wasn't crazy. I guess I just haven't had enough alone time to recharge for the last few weeks.

Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013

Joe had a seizure while he was sleeping last night, around 1 AM. Shortly after it was over he woke up. He had a bad headache. He ate some yogurt. He tested his sugar. It was 60. Then he drank some juice. We will call an endocrinologist in Miami on Monday.

When I woke up in the morning I had a headache. I was slow going. When I finally got going, I made two batches of yogurt and a double batch of granola. The boys did some schoolwork and I corrected Tommy's math. I did lots of dishes.

Ed, Nina, and Ben went to their morning gig at Blue Heaven. Then the band had to go play in the evening at Sunset Pier. I stayed home with the younger boys, planning on going to the movie night at church. (Charlie went to the gig because he wanted to swim in their pool). But Tom showed up as we were leaving so we dropped the boys off. We were going to do something,
but we couldn't think of anywhere to go, nothing to eat. I finally went upstairs and made a salad.

Before the band got home I made rice and baked beans, so they are that and my leftover salad when they got home, about 10 PM. Charlie made jello earlier so they ate that too. I did more dishes and then crashed.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13, 2013


I woke up first and we got the troops moving, about 8:30 I think. The RV Tom wanted to look at was 2 miles away. We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts, gassed up, and then went to look at the RV. It was reroofed, the ceiling was coming down, it was musty smelling, and when we got back in the van we had fleas on our legs! Ugh!!! I couldn't leave there fast enough.

We didn't stop to visit John. The timing didn't work out. We drove all day and got to Big Pine around 6 PM. We unloaded some stuff. I had to clean the kitchen and clear off the kitchen table, and the normal unpacking stuff.

I forgot to empty the coffee maker before we left. It was gross! Some of my plants didn't look to good. I hope they make it. Charlie knocked over my orchid into the bath tub. That was a big mess to clean up, dirt everywhere.

The boys went to play hockey and Rob came up too, with banana bread. I had no food so we had no supper. I cut up carrots and celery. About 9:30 my driver (Ed) and I went to Winn Dixie. I bought produce and almond milk, and a few fixings to make granola tomorrow. I'm going to make coconut milk yogurt tomorrow. I might not have to go anywhere the whole day. Ed, Nina, and Ben have to play at Blue Heaven at 10 AM but I'm not going this time.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Ben got hit in the head with a hockey stick and has a nasty cut and lump. I hope someone got a penalty.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013


Today was a first. We told the boys we were leaving at 8 AM so we could leave by 8:30 AM and we left at 8:20! Doug had a lot to do with it. He turned all the lights on and carried most of the stuff out to the van. Yeah for Doug!!

We drove 5 hours to the Raleigh Durham Airport and dropped off Kim and Doug, who were flying to Lauderdale, and TJ, who was flying to California to meet up with his family. Then we drove and drove some more.

We finally stopped in Georgia at a Dunkin' Donuts for supper. Tom had a craving for a breakfast sandwich. I was hoping to sit down somewhere and eat together. Oh well.

Drive drive drive some more. We passed an exit with lots of hotels and got off the next exit where Tom wanted to look at an RV in the morning. We stopped at one scary hotel, then looked for two hotels that weren't there. After an hour and a half of looking, we gave up, got back on the 95 and went north to where the hotels were. We stayed in a kind of scary hotel, but after 15 hours in the van I didn't care very much.

I would have stopped before 8 PM, got our rooms, and the boys could have all watched the hockey game, 1st game of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Didn't happen. We are in our rooms now and they are watching the 2nd overtime. They missed the whole game.

There's 8 more hours to drive tomorrow. We might stop to see John T. tomorrow. That will make the trip longer. I think I will be crazy by the time I get back to the Keys.

June 11, 2013


I forgot to mention that yesterday was Joe and Garrett's birthdays, Joe 19 and Garrett 14. We can't celebrate them till we are home. No time to shop for presents and no time to make a cake.

We spent most of the day relaxing. I read and crocheted. Charlie and i went swimming in the pool, and Tom took him and Tommy in the ocean. They always have fun playing in the waves but they scare me. Years ago I was beat up and dragged and cut in the shells by waves and I didn't like it very much. I only go in up to my knees now. I prefer the pool.

TJ, Kim, Doug, and I found the Food Lion and bought a little food, ice, and water. Then we got ready for our gig. Enjoyed the opening band. Beautiful location. I enjoyed watching the family that hired us work and play. It's a family business.

I crocheted more during the show. I'm trying to finish some lace for my bedding.

Afterwards, I started packing up. Folded laundry, packed the cooler, and nagged (encouraged) the kids to start packing so we could leave in the morning. They don't listen so good. I made Ben do the dishes and Garrett take out the garbage and I went to bed at 1 AM.

June 10, 2013


We drove from Richmond, VA to Avon, NC, the Outer Banks. At a gas station, I saw this ride on a trailer. My grandparents had a thing similar to it. We spent many hours on it when I was little.

We stayed in at a villa in Koru Village. We spent the evening relaxing. I sat outside on a porch chair, crocheted, and read. The kids watched movies and played video games. What a surprise :0)

We also watched and enjoyed the Don Cherry movie.

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 9, 2013


Checked out of our hotel at 11 and headed back to Wind Gap. The van was pretty trashed. My parents had broken down their camp. Angelica and the kids were going to ride back with them to Buffalo and then fly to California the on Monday, so we had to rearrange people and things. Once situated, which was no easy matter, we were all on the road again.

We drove 3 or 4 hours to a church outside of DC to play. They had pizza and subs for us when we got there. That was wonderful; we were really hungry. Tom Mindte was there.

Charlie hopped around with boo boos and blisters on his feet, and a sprained ankle. Tommy tried to sing but his voice was hoarse and he couldn't finish the song. He was really embarrassed but there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

We got back on the road and drove about 3 more hours to Richmond. Everyone was starving again. It was late and we were desperate so we got some burgers and chicken sandwiches from McDonalds. I did eat a carrot, a pepper, and an apple first. :0/

Doug found us a hotel and we were so tired and so glad to get checked into our 4 rooms. Zzzzzzzzz.

June 8, 2013


We went back to the festival. TJ and Ang needed to practice with AJ. It finally stopped raining and the sun came out. I spent the day helping out with the grand kids and sitting at the concert area listening to the bands and crocheting. We had a bluegrass set in the afternoon and then closed out the show with a bluegrass/rock set. The kids were great both sets. I'm not partial or anything. :0)

We finished about 1 AM, had to break down, and then drive 1/2 hour back to the hotel in Allentown. It was our first festival without an RV. Not sure if I like that or not. Got to bed about 3 AM.