Friday, June 7, 2013

June 5, 2013


Left early again, this time for Genesee Country Museum in Mumford. Doug and Kim flew in yesterday, and Doug drove Kim, Ang, and I on a girl's outing. We had a great time. I liked the pioneer houses the best, and the farmer dude who was fixing buckets. It's a favorite place of mine and Kim's. We used to go there every year on the first day of school. One of the houses has a weaver in it and it is where Kim got her interest in weaving.

We stopped at Brunner's Eatery in Boston and TJ met us with the kids. I had my favorite Italian Sausage sub again. Then Doug dropped me off at mom's.

The roof was all finished, and Tom and almost all the boys had gone to visit their friend Caleb. Then they went to the movies, very late. The movie started at 10:20 PM. So Charlie, Garrett and I hung out and watched some TV, which was cool for me because I don't know how to turn on our TV in Big Pine.

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