Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18, 2013

I drove a bunch of kids to VBS. I cleaned up the kitchen some and made Ben pick up the living room. I exercised today. Haven't done that in a while. Ed and I went to Winn Dixie for a few things, $200 worth. I put it away while making lunch for all these kids: 8 Doerfels, 4 Newtons, Shannon, and 2 other friends, River and Tiger, and me. The older kids all went to the studio. They recorded a song that River wrote. I rode my bike about three blocks to get my hair trimmed. It looks and feels really good. :0)

I spent the afternoon cleaning off my desk and putting more things away from our trip that had piled up in my room. The desk is clean but i still can't use it. There are a few things I don't know what to do with. I also went through Tommy's clothes. His clothes are in my closet and one of his shelves broke so the clothes have been on the floor. Since I can't fix the shelf I decided to thin out his clothes so he wouldn't need the shelf. It worked.

I forgot that today was produce day and my fridge was pretty full from my trip to Winn Dixie. I had to pick it up from a different house. Kim invited me over for dinner around 5, chili and cornbread-yum! And then Doug took me over to pick up my produce. The location had changed so we went to a different house and finally got it and I drove my big white van home.

The kids came back from the studio and most of them went to the park to play hockey. I almost sat down at the spinning wheel but didn't get to it. I ordered 6 pizzas at 8 PM. Supper is always at 9 on Tuesdays after hockey. It's buy one, get one free night at Slice of Paradise. It cost me $47. I'm happy with that. I chopped up a huge salad and made everyone eat salad before they could have pizza.

I was about to fall asleep and remembered that I was out of pull-ups and I have two who needed them. Shannon also needed a ride home too, so Tom and I went out. Winn Dixie closed an hour early tonight (grrrr) so we are pull-up-less tonight. :0(

Tom went to bed frustrated with his job, and then complained about our kids having too much free time and too many video games. I am trying to get back on my feet after our trip, and VBS has taken over the mornings so chores haven't been done. I am spending my spare minutes looking for things to keep the boys busy so there isn't as much time for video games. And really, the boys were home for 3 hours yesterday, and about 3 hours today, to eat.

I think Joe is going to take an online music theory class, and possibly some bass lessons. I have to figure out Kurt's life, and then Ben's, and when I get it all figured out, summer will be over and it will change. And it's all going to cost money. Ugh!!!!!

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