Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21, 2013


I didn't write last night because Joe had another seizure and I didn't feel like writing. It happened a little after 3:00 and we had to leave for a gig at 4:30. His other ones had been a month apart. This one was just a week from the last one.

So this morning I made Tom call for an appointment for Joe with an endocrinologist in Miami. He is going on Thursday. I think it's about a 3 hour drive.

I drove kids to VBS. I went walking yesterday and today, and I exercised yesterday, but today my weights disappeared. Nobody knows nothing. Does that happen to anyone else or am I the only one? Showered and ate my homemade granola with strawberries, then picked up the kids from VBS. Today was the last day. They had fun, but we never got chores done once this week. I'm looking forward to them being home next week so the chores get done.

The younger boys went to Shannon's house. I made yogurt and then Tom and I went to check out a neat little spot on the Gulf side. We saw a big shell with a crab in it and a thing that looked like a little octopus or a squid. Next we were off to a friend's house for a swim. I needed that. I would live in my swimsuit if I had a pool.

When we got home (7 PM) the boys went off to play hockey. I went into depression. The kitchen was trashed. No one washed dishes for 2 days, and I did not want to clean the kitchen so I could make supper. I watered my plants, got over it, and decided on spaghetti for supper, so off I went to Winn Dixie to buy the stuff. I took a picture on my way out of the flowering tree across the street.

I hurried the noodles, meatballs, and sauce, chopped the salad, and chopped some strawberries for one of my favorites, Strawberry Shortcake. Of course Tom had to let me know he doesn't like Strawberry Shortcake, like I'm never supposed to eat it again? I used to pick wild strawberries in the field behind my parents' house. Love strawberries!

We ate at 9 PM, which is normal supper time here on hockey nights. Ben loaded the dishwasher but it hardly put a dent in the dishes. The boys left for the studio to record so I finished the dishes. :0( Poor me.

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