Monday, June 10, 2013

June 9, 2013


Checked out of our hotel at 11 and headed back to Wind Gap. The van was pretty trashed. My parents had broken down their camp. Angelica and the kids were going to ride back with them to Buffalo and then fly to California the on Monday, so we had to rearrange people and things. Once situated, which was no easy matter, we were all on the road again.

We drove 3 or 4 hours to a church outside of DC to play. They had pizza and subs for us when we got there. That was wonderful; we were really hungry. Tom Mindte was there.

Charlie hopped around with boo boos and blisters on his feet, and a sprained ankle. Tommy tried to sing but his voice was hoarse and he couldn't finish the song. He was really embarrassed but there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

We got back on the road and drove about 3 more hours to Richmond. Everyone was starving again. It was late and we were desperate so we got some burgers and chicken sandwiches from McDonalds. I did eat a carrot, a pepper, and an apple first. :0/

Doug found us a hotel and we were so tired and so glad to get checked into our 4 rooms. Zzzzzzzzz.

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