Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13, 2013


I woke up first and we got the troops moving, about 8:30 I think. The RV Tom wanted to look at was 2 miles away. We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts, gassed up, and then went to look at the RV. It was reroofed, the ceiling was coming down, it was musty smelling, and when we got back in the van we had fleas on our legs! Ugh!!! I couldn't leave there fast enough.

We didn't stop to visit John. The timing didn't work out. We drove all day and got to Big Pine around 6 PM. We unloaded some stuff. I had to clean the kitchen and clear off the kitchen table, and the normal unpacking stuff.

I forgot to empty the coffee maker before we left. It was gross! Some of my plants didn't look to good. I hope they make it. Charlie knocked over my orchid into the bath tub. That was a big mess to clean up, dirt everywhere.

The boys went to play hockey and Rob came up too, with banana bread. I had no food so we had no supper. I cut up carrots and celery. About 9:30 my driver (Ed) and I went to Winn Dixie. I bought produce and almond milk, and a few fixings to make granola tomorrow. I'm going to make coconut milk yogurt tomorrow. I might not have to go anywhere the whole day. Ed, Nina, and Ben have to play at Blue Heaven at 10 AM but I'm not going this time.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Ben got hit in the head with a hockey stick and has a nasty cut and lump. I hope someone got a penalty.

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