Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 25, 2013


I can't remember much from Tuesday. It seems to happen too often that when we get a day off I am slow going with no ambition and that's what happened. I took care of little things that needed to be done. I started a new project, a present for someone, but it's a secret so I can't say anything about it.

Kim and I went for supper at No Name Pub. That was a bright spot in my day. The boys played hockey and I ordered them pizza for their supper. I made a salad too and there were grapes and cantaloupe.

I've been experimenting making coconut milk yogurt so I tried another batch. The last one was the right consistency but kind of sour tasting.

There was a TON of dishes to do. I loaded the dishwasher and made Garrett wash.

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