Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 11, 2013


I forgot to mention that yesterday was Joe and Garrett's birthdays, Joe 19 and Garrett 14. We can't celebrate them till we are home. No time to shop for presents and no time to make a cake.

We spent most of the day relaxing. I read and crocheted. Charlie and i went swimming in the pool, and Tom took him and Tommy in the ocean. They always have fun playing in the waves but they scare me. Years ago I was beat up and dragged and cut in the shells by waves and I didn't like it very much. I only go in up to my knees now. I prefer the pool.

TJ, Kim, Doug, and I found the Food Lion and bought a little food, ice, and water. Then we got ready for our gig. Enjoyed the opening band. Beautiful location. I enjoyed watching the family that hired us work and play. It's a family business.

I crocheted more during the show. I'm trying to finish some lace for my bedding.

Afterwards, I started packing up. Folded laundry, packed the cooler, and nagged (encouraged) the kids to start packing so we could leave in the morning. They don't listen so good. I made Ben do the dishes and Garrett take out the garbage and I went to bed at 1 AM.

1 comment:

  1. Hope to see you next year at the Papawack. Seen you 2 years now there. Love the music the band plays.
