Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013


I set my alarm for 7 am so I could feed Joe. He ate his yogurt and went back to sleep. Then I went back to sleep. I got up about 9 and had two hours to get a few things done and get ready for our gigs. I packed a small cooler for Joe and we were off at 11. Garrett stayed home because he had to work in the evening.

The gig at Sunset Pier at Ocean Key Resort was fun. We ate. The band played. There was a guy flying around on some weird water thing. Kind of sci-fi looking and creepy I thought. Nina brought River, Tiger, and Aaron over and they sang a few songs and harmonized together. The crowd loved it and I did too. Then Nina sang a few songs and we ended with Charlie. When you walk to the bathroom there, you walk under a ceiling of vines held up on wires with flowers growing on them. It's so pretty. I love it.

We left there and drove to Hogfish. Ingrid was there and she took wonderful care of us, like she always does and the food was delicious. Ed and Nina had to leave for about an hour and a half to play at a wedding at the beach. I think I would like to do that. Maybe someday when I grow up.

Tommy and I sat outside while the band played. I crocheted and ordered a few things online from my phone. It was hot but there was a breeze.

Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and I rode home with Kim. Tommy emptied the dishwasher for me, and I asked Garrett to load the dishwasher but he decided to go to bed instead. He's on my bad boy list. He was home all day and did nothing.

I took a shower. Feeling a bit down. I need some space, my own space, and could use a little privacy. There's 12 of us home tonight. It's not bad and the house wasn't crazy. I guess I just haven't had enough alone time to recharge for the last few weeks.

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