Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013

Joe had a seizure while he was sleeping last night, around 1 AM. Shortly after it was over he woke up. He had a bad headache. He ate some yogurt. He tested his sugar. It was 60. Then he drank some juice. We will call an endocrinologist in Miami on Monday.

When I woke up in the morning I had a headache. I was slow going. When I finally got going, I made two batches of yogurt and a double batch of granola. The boys did some schoolwork and I corrected Tommy's math. I did lots of dishes.

Ed, Nina, and Ben went to their morning gig at Blue Heaven. Then the band had to go play in the evening at Sunset Pier. I stayed home with the younger boys, planning on going to the movie night at church. (Charlie went to the gig because he wanted to swim in their pool). But Tom showed up as we were leaving so we dropped the boys off. We were going to do something,
but we couldn't think of anywhere to go, nothing to eat. I finally went upstairs and made a salad.

Before the band got home I made rice and baked beans, so they are that and my leftover salad when they got home, about 10 PM. Charlie made jello earlier so they ate that too. I did more dishes and then crashed.

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