Friday, June 7, 2013

June 6, 2013

Thursday- Charlie told me that today was the first day that I was home when he woke up. We have been at my mom's for a week. Too much running around for me. I folded some laundry and packed for Tommy, Charlie, and me. Tom's sister Anita came over to visit before she had to work.

The big kids went to visit Caleb again. My mom made stuffed peppers and I made filling for a rhubarb pie. Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, and I went with Grandma Fran to my niece's play at school. It was fun and I'm glad we went. We couldn't stay and hang out afterward and I think my sister-in-law, Carol, was disappointed.

When we got home we put the peppers and pie in the oven. I packed more stuff. We ate and then went to Springville to see Stacey's family play a town concert. They were great and it was super fun. I'm so glad we went. Afterwards, we went out for pizza and wings. That was even more fun. There were 16 of us. The woman who waited on us spoiled us. She was very kind and funny.

And then it was over. I was sad that our time was over, but glad that we got to spend a few more moments together. I had tried to get together with Stacy again while we were here, but it was just too much running for me. She lives an hour away from my mom's.

I was supposed to stop at WalMart for shoes for Charlie but we were too tired. It was after 11:00 PM and I packed up everything I could and got it in the van. Joe and Garrett helped a little. The others played video games with their cousin Alex- Grrrr. We had to leave the next morning at 6:30. I finally went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. And now I learn about MORE talent in your extended family! I missed your mention of your relationship to Stacy, but I'm assuming she is your sister? Just amazing ... very, very heartwarming to realize the abilities you have to express yourselves through your music and the opportunities you have to bring pleasure to others, everywhere you go! You sing in the the universal language! God Bless you all! Safe travels!
