Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013


Today was a first. We told the boys we were leaving at 8 AM so we could leave by 8:30 AM and we left at 8:20! Doug had a lot to do with it. He turned all the lights on and carried most of the stuff out to the van. Yeah for Doug!!

We drove 5 hours to the Raleigh Durham Airport and dropped off Kim and Doug, who were flying to Lauderdale, and TJ, who was flying to California to meet up with his family. Then we drove and drove some more.

We finally stopped in Georgia at a Dunkin' Donuts for supper. Tom had a craving for a breakfast sandwich. I was hoping to sit down somewhere and eat together. Oh well.

Drive drive drive some more. We passed an exit with lots of hotels and got off the next exit where Tom wanted to look at an RV in the morning. We stopped at one scary hotel, then looked for two hotels that weren't there. After an hour and a half of looking, we gave up, got back on the 95 and went north to where the hotels were. We stayed in a kind of scary hotel, but after 15 hours in the van I didn't care very much.

I would have stopped before 8 PM, got our rooms, and the boys could have all watched the hockey game, 1st game of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Didn't happen. We are in our rooms now and they are watching the 2nd overtime. They missed the whole game.

There's 8 more hours to drive tomorrow. We might stop to see John T. tomorrow. That will make the trip longer. I think I will be crazy by the time I get back to the Keys.

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