Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013

I took my walk and ate my oatmeal. Then I made pancakes and woke up the troops. I had Garrett and Tommy work on their own while I helped Kurt get started with his College Prep. I cleaned off my desk so he could have a somewhat quiet place to work. I did science with Garrett and Tommy and then made lunch for Ed, Tom, and I.

We got ready to leave for Sloppy's but had to wait for Rob to deliver something for Tom. It was a Harley! Tom bought a Harley!

The gig started out slow but the place filled up as the night went on. I took the boys for gelato and bought tiramisu gelato with expresso poured over it. Yum!!

On the way home we stopped at a friend of Kurt's to spread some Doerfel cheer.

Tomorrow is my busiest day. I hope it's a good one.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 28-29, 2013


I spent 4 1/2 hours doing bookkeeping, then drove Nina, Tommy, and I to Key West for our gig at Schooner Wharf. Charlie spent another night at his friend's house.

Schooner was fun. It was Naomi's birthday. I wish time would slow down a little, or a lot. 

Tommy and I left about 10:30.


Went to church. We've been out of granola for days so I finally made some. I had many things on my 'to do' list. That was one of them. Another one was to go swimming, so Charlie and I went to Ida's house. It was a relaxing time. We stayed a little over an hour, then came home. 

Tom and Joe watched football. In the evening Tom and I went to church. Tommy and I went to Winn Dixie and the rest of the boys played hockey. Rob came up. Tonight I bought subs from Winn Dixie and I cut up watermelon and a pineapple. I also bought ice cream. I just didn't want to cook. 

A few things on my list I didn't get to, embroidery, play my flute, a few minutes at the spinning wheel, and finish the reading for Kurt's next Great Books class. Oh, and do some algebra too.

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013

I made it out walking this morning. We also had an early start with our schoolwork. When Charlie finished he went to the beach with some friends. When I finished with the other boys, I went to Kim's studio and and wove about a foot and then worked at threading heddles.

I came home to a quiet house. The band was at Schooner Wharf, Garrett and Tommy at a youth function at church, and Charlie off to another friend's for a sleepover.

I worked on Kurt's schoolwork, acquainting myself so I can help him through it. He's starting College Prep with College Plus, so he can get dual credit. 

Garrett and tommy came home with their friend Jonathan and played video games. They took care of the dishes for me so I could practice Tai Chi and then we went to bed.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013

I took Tommy with me to Kim's studio this morning. Kim taught him how to thread the heddles. I started weaving on a baby wrap today. There were a couple threading errors but Kim fixed them. It is so neat to watch the fabric come to life.

We did our schoolwork in the afternoon. I went to aerobics at church but it was cancelled. So I went to Winn Dixie instead and bought produce. When I got home the boys went to play hockey, and I made spaghetti with spinach noodles. I made apple crisp, steamed cauliflower, a salad, and cut up a watermelon. I was in the kitchen for 4 hours. I'm tired.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013

Got up early, walked, and went to Jacob's Aquatic Center in Key Largo with our homeschool group. Nina and Ariel went with us. We had a great time.

Got home in time for a shower and to made some steamed broccoli and sweet potato perogies. Then we were off to church. 

Afterwards, I relaxed a bit at home before doing some picking up and went to bed. (Tom put the dishes in the dishwasher, but it made him crabby) and then Ben washed the rest of the dishes. :0)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24, 2013


Slept in this morning. I had to go to Winn Dixie first thing to buy almond milk. I ate and fed the little boys and we left at 11:30 for Charlie's fiddle lesson in Marathon. I helped Tommy with his math during the lesson and then we went to PE. Ariel went with us today.

I got home with just enough time to make lunch and eat. I went to Tai Chi and then came home. I got my money to go pick up my produce. I wanted Garrett to come with me to help me carry it but I couldn't find him. It's heavy. Lucky me, Tom had just gotten home and he went with me.  We also stopped at the auto parts store to get parts to fix Ed's air conditioning in his van.

Now it was Tom's turn to be lucky. It was just a loose wire to blame for the AC not working.

Once home, I took a twenty minute break in my room, then made pizza dough and a salad. I chopped all the veggies for my healthy pizza, and I ordered 4 pizzas. I did the dishes and put the pizza together. Meanwhile, Tom and the boys all went to the park to play hockey.

The man who delivered the pizza was from Russia. He asked me a lot of questions about the family and I gave him a CD.

When I picked up the milk this morning I bought a bag of apples. When I put them in the fridge I noticed every single one was bruised. So while making the pizza I also made an apple pie. It was really yummy. It is all gone except for a piece I saved for Tom. Charlie even ate a piece. 

Tommy has a friend over. It is almost time for them to go to bed. Me too.

Here's a pic of the homeschoolers at PE today.

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2012

I walked this morning. The kids picked chores. We had a shortened school day but got a lot done. We did science and art first. Charlie got all his work done. Before we knew it, it was time to go to our gig at Sloppy's.

When we arrived I got Joe a smoothie from Duettos. His teeth and throat are still bothering him and he cant chew food. It started out slow but filled up.
During the second break I went to CVS and bought him some peaches, pudding, and Greek yogurt. 

When we were done Nina ordered us some food from The Cafe. I had spinach dumplings. Yummy! I ate them on the way home. 

When I got home I moved the laundry, practiced Tai Chi, and went to bed shortly after midnight. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013

Not a lot happened today. We left the hotel at 9:30 am and drove back to the Keys. I knotted and embroidered the whole way. We got home at 5 PM. The kids had made me a giant cookie.  After hugs, I cleaned off one counters and and threw in a load of wash. Tom and I went to the evening service at church, then the boys played hockey at the park. I did a lesson of Kurt's great books class. I practiced fiddle with Charlie and played my classical guitar for a few minutes before reading to Charlie and going to bed.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 20-21, 2013

Friday and Saturday

Friday morning Tom dropped me off at church to go to Women of Faith in Orlando, 6 hours away. We had to stop partway to take one of the girls to the emergency room. Two girls stayed with her and the rest of us went on. I also realized I've been in the Keys for a long time, because I thought it weird to see a train.

I enjoyed the speakers and getting to know the women of our church a little better. I also enjoyed having a whole bed to myself with lots of fluffy pillows and comfy blankets. We went out to eat Saturday night and I also got a piece of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. :0)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 18, 2013


I added another time around to my walking at the park. My left knee has started to bother me. :0(

We had a pretty good school day. I even had time to sit with Kurt for Algebra and Omnibus.

I made coconut black beans with quinoa and mango for a late lunch. Then it was time for church.

Right before we left for church, we found out that Garrett was involved in taking the neighbors trampoline. I was so confident that he wasn't and was so sure it was teens from the neighborhood who randomly hang out on our trampoline. A reminder to not quickly jump to conclusions.

The kids did worship tonight. I don't want to watch the band after Joe fell down the last time they played, but everything was fine. He's had only one glitch since he started the meds a month ago. And that was after a busy trip/gig to the mainland and back. He probably didn't get enough sleep. Another reminder to take care of ourselves and not take health for granted.

After church I went to Winn Dixie. After putting away groceries I did some embroidery. Garrett had to write an apology letter to the neighbor and take it to her. She signed it and gave us her phone number. I got to bed by midnight.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013

I woke up fairly early because I set my alarm. I could t walk because it was pouring so I practiced my Tai Chi. I was at Kim's studio at 10 AM and we worked till noon. Ed, Ben, and Kurt took their friend Ethan to the airport. He flew home to WNY.

I hurried home to find that the boys didn't take the neighbor's trampoline back yet, so I had Joe, Garrett, Tommy, and their friend Jonathan take it back. Joe was sick with a fever so he stayed in bed most of the day. Then I drove the kids to gym class. 

They had fun and then I drove home. The boys played video games and I went to Tai Chi. On my way home from there I picked up my produce. 

Once home, I made pizza dough and started chopping veggies. I made the salad, ordered 4 pizzas, and then put the veggie pizza together. The kids were at the park playing hockey. 

We all ate and Ben did the dishes. I was really tired again and finally got to bed by 11.

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013


Would you believe I slept till 10 AM? No time for walking, and it turned out to be a good thing, because we got more torrential downpours. Tom wasn't so lucky. He was out taking a bike ride. Good thing he was wearing his swimsuit.

I have been keeping the laundry washed, but Ben has not folded in two weeks. There is a mountain of clean laundry in our hallway. I was going to fold some yesterday, and be mad the whole time I was doing it, but didn't get to it. I didn't get to any dishes either, and neither did anyone else. The big kids were all in KW at Nina's gig.

Anyways, back to today. I did school with Charlie, Tommy, and Garrett. Then Bob texted me for a ride. I went to get him, but that left me with no time to make my lunch/supper. I wonder if he ever wants to have his own car someday. Doesn't seem like it. 

As I parked the van, a car pulled over. Sunday morning we had an extra trampoline in our yard, right next to our trampoline. Some teens from the neighborhood must have decided it would be fun to jump on two trampolines, so they took one from a house a block away and put it next to ours. Well, the person in the car was missing a trampoline and thought our 'extra' one looked a lot like theirs. I told her that some neighborhood teens jump on our trampoline, so it was probably them. I told her I would have my boys return it tomorrow morning. Next, I grabbed my stuff and herded the kids into the van.

 I guess the gig was good. We are in a transition phase with TJ gone, Kim on maternity leave, and Nina just started playing keyboard with the band. I was tired the whole show. 

We stopped at Winn Dixie on the way home. I put groceries away and went to bed.

September 15, 2013


I need more sleep. Went to church. Tom had to go to work after church. I did some laundry. We had some wicked downpours and thunder and lightening. I tried to plan my embroidery on the first blue dress. Before I knew it, it was time to leave for our gig at Schooner Wharf. Some streets in KW were flooded and we thought it might get cancelled, but there was no more rain. 

Got home just before 1 AM and went straight to bed.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14, 2013


I went walking, took a quick shower, made my oatmeal, and took it with me to Kim's studio. As I pulled out of the driveway, the band turned the corner arriving home from last night's gig. At the same time, I got a text from Bob who needed a ride home. I picked him up and dropped him off, and then went to Kim's. 

I finished threading the heddles and then had lunch with Doug and Kim. I came home to get Tommy and take him to a friend's house. It was 2:10 PM and Tommy was still sleeping! I hurried him in the shower and then we left. 

After dropping him off, I came home and started cutting out my next two baby dresses. I played with some different colored thread and tatting. The dress I just finished is white. The next two are pale blue. One is going to be fishy, the other flowery. I'm hoping to use some beads and silk ribbon along with the embroidery.

The band got home from their afternoon gig. They went to the park to play hockey, and I started supper, Pineapple Teriyaki Chickpeas and a salad.

We ate. Tom was kind of crabby and argumentative. They've been on the road the last two weekends. I think it's taking its toll on him. He went to bed right after supper, 10 or 10:30 maybe. That's early for him. 

I played with my embroidery a little more. Bob brought Charlie home at about 11, and shortly after that I went to pick up Tommy. It was his friend's birthday celebration and they went to Beni Hanna's. He'd never been there before. What fun! He was a chatterbox the whole way home.

I started dishes and Ben finished them for me. It was another emotional day for me. As I drove to get Tommy, I of course thought of TJ and Ang going, and other friends that have moved away. We didn't know them very long, but Wanda and Irv, and the Castro family. And then I thought of a few friends and family we left behind when we moved from NY. The moon was reflecting off the water as I drove. So pretty. I would have loved to sit somewhere and just look out over the water, but it couldn't happen.

So I just pushed it all away and thought about my embroidery project.

I also found out tonight that the person we thought was going to rent TJ's apartment moved to the mainland. On the brighter side, it gives me more time to clean it. I'll get Joe and Garrett to help me.

I did read to Charlie at midnight. We read/sang a book about the pilgrims.

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013


I went walking first thing. I wanted to be back for TJ and Ang because they were loading their truck for their move. Also, the band was packing up for their overnight trip to Lake Worth. 

It was a little crazy upstairs. They left an hour late. TJ and family went to the gig too, but are leaving on their trip tomorrow morning.

I did writing with Tommy and Garrett. Charlie got invited to the beach with friends. After I said yes, I realized that he had a fiddle lesson this afternoon. His wonderful teacher said she would give him a quick lesson on Tuesday after gym class instead.  

I took Garrett and Tommy for haircuts, and then had to leave them there to take Charlie home to feed him breakfast. It was 2 PM and in all the commotion he didn't get fed. His friends picked him up, the other boys walked the two blocks home. 

At 3 I went to Kim's studio and kept threading the heddles. I might finish them the next time I am over there. I stopped at Walgreens and came home. I made the boys spaghetti and for myself used steamed Swiss chard in place of the pasta and added mushrooms. 

After supper we went to the church for movie night. It was fun. Popcorn candy bars, and cookies.

The two younger boys went to Shannon's. Charlie slept over but tommy didn't want to, so I picked him up at 11 PM. Before that, I washed dishes and Garrett dried. I started to watch "Holes" on my computer while hand sewing but had to stop to pick up Tommy.

I finished watching the movie with Tommy. Now he is reading the book. It's one of my favorites.

I put up pics of our friends Rob and Anastasia. They are in Italy now I think. This is the dress I altered and the veil I made. Isn't she beautiful?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12, 2013


I slept in again and did not have time to walk. I woke kids up and made them eat breakfast. We started school and had a good day. Charlie was picked up by Fran and Hannah and went fishing, but they didn't get to fish. They had some boat problems, but he had fun anyways.

Tom went to Marathon and bought a new used dryer. It's sitting under the house. (Our house is up on stilts).

I made curry chickpea salad for lunch and we went to our gig at Sloppy's.  We had a good night. I finished the tatting on the dress I've been working on. 

I took some pics tonight. It was TJ and Jake's last night for a while. They are moving to CA after tomorrow's gig on the mainland. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013


We are staying up too late again, but I just can't get enough done. I overslept till 8:30 today. It really put me behind. I almost used it as an excuse to not go walking, but I went. 

I made polenta for breakfast. I never had it before and it was really good. I drizzled a tablespoon of maple syrup on it. Yum! I even coaxed Charlie to try it and he liked it. He ate a bowlful too. Tommy didn't like it though. He hates everything. All he wants is junk food.

The kids picked chores so they finally got done. But Kurt made no attempt at doing his chore. I did spend a few minutes with him acquainting ourselves with his CollegePlus program. He is going to try and get some high school/college credits this semester.

Tommy, Garrett, and I did science. We are still learning our routine for working this new subject into our schedule. I was happy with our progress today. I had to hurry again, as Ang and I were scheduled to go help Kim again at about 3 o'clock. Charlie got his school work done and I gave the other two their assignments for while I was gone. I will see how they did when I check it tomorrow.

I took a basket of clean, wet laundry to Kim's studio and she brought over the basket I put in her dryer last night. I was able to dry this one at her studio. We worked for 1 1/2 hours and then had to go home. 

I wasn't sure what I was going to make for supper, and then Ang surprised me with some black bean soup and cornbread. Yum! That made my night so much better. We went over to church for dinner and Bible study. Everyone else ate there and I worked on my tatting during dinner.

 We weren't there long when Tom got a call from Sloppy Joes. A band didn't show and they needed a band, so Tom and the band went. After church I dropped the kids off at home and then went to Winn Dixie, just for berries, almond milk, and green tea for Tom. I bought a few more things of course. It was $80ish.

After I put the groceries away, Ang and TJ needed to dry laundry at Kim's. Callie was already sleeping downstairs, so I volunteered to go down and stay with her. It gave me a chance to catch up on my blog from yesterday. Then Tom called and said the band was on their way home, and that they were really hungry and wouldn't make it to Winn Dixie before they closed. It was 10:30 PM. So I had Tommy come downstairs and I went upstairs. I made spaghetti, chopped up a watermelon, and pulled out leftover salad from the fridge.

They got home and ate. Garrett emptied the dishwasher and Tommy put dishes away from the sink. I was tired but forced myself to squish the leftovers into the fridge. The dirty dishes will have to wait till tomorrow's chores. I read to Charlie at about 12:30 am and went to bed.

September 10, 2013


I went walking with Nina and Callie this morning. I had Callie in a stroller. She was up all night screaming and TJ asked if I could watch her so he could have a break. She was great in the stroller. Not one peep.

When we got back, I hurried a shower and breakfast, and then Ang and I went to Kim's studio to work. Ang wove and I threaded reeds. 

After that, I headed home to grab a quick lunch and get us to gym class. It was 12:15 and tommy and Garrett weren't out of bed yet. Naughty sleepy heads! I got them moving and made a hummus and spinach wrap. I grabbed an apple and some water and I was out the door. 

TJ and Garrett had brought the dryer down the stairs and they loaded it into the van. We had to drop it off where we bought it on the way to gym class. We brought Jake with us. 

I passed the place to drop off the dryer and had to make a u-turn. Luckily, there was no traffic and it wasn't a problem. The man is going to see if he can fix it. My washer is kooky too. When it fills to rinse the water trickles in and it takes forever. Tom is going to look at it on Thursday. Anyways, it was great to hang out with the homeschool moms. 

Once home, I fed the younger boys. The big kids were at the studio. I gave the schoolboys their assignments and headed off to my Tai Chi class. I was the only student who showed up so I got a private lesson. It was great!

I came home to find that the boys did not do their schoolwork, but wasted their time. Chores were not done today either and there was a mess of dishes, not to mention the trashed living room and baskets of laundry waiting in the hallway for Ben to fold.

I made the boys start their math and cleared off two counters to work on. I made dough for one healthy pizza. Then I ground wheat berries to make bread tomorrow. I made a giant salad and ordered 6 pizzas. Tuesday is 2 for 1 night. I made a vegetable pizza with no cheese and nutritional yeast. All the kids went to the park to play hockey and play with Jake and Callie.

They came back about 15 minutes early because it started to rain. Everyone ate. It was a noisy feast. Afterwards, I had Joe stuff the dishwasher. It was getting late so we left the rest of the dishes for chores tomorrow. I read to Charlie and went to bed. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013


I got up a half hour later than I wanted, but had my quiet time and went walking. Breakfast and school. Aaron tried to take the bus home but the bus driver wanted $4 instead of the usual $2, and Aaron only had $2, which he put in the box and didn't get back. Mean bus driver. So aaron came back to our house. We got a lot of work done and a little practicing. Big kids went to the studio. 

Made and packed my salad/supper and got ready to leave for our gig at Sloppy's. Garrett was supposed to go to help Ethan with some camera work, but he didn't want to go. We were about 20 minutes down the road when we realized Garrett wasn't in the van. Punk! I grounded him by taking away his iPod for a week.

I took some behind the scene pictures from after our gig, the load out. What fun!