Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

I woke up with a text from Doug saying they were on their way to the hospital. An hour later we got a picture of a baby boy, Stephen Douglas Lawes, 8 lbs, 1oz. 

Tom and I went to the hospital and saw Doug and the new baby, but Kim had been taken for surgery. The baby came too fast and Kim was bleeding too much. We hung out with baby, Doug, Doug's parents, Angelica, and Connie.

After a while, Tom went to work, and Ang, Connie, and I went to get something to eat. We brought it back to the hospital. A short while later they brought Kim to the room. Not too much later, Ed, Ben, Nina, and Ethan came to visit. We took some pictures and then I rode home with the kids.

When I got home, there was a houseful. Eight Doerfel kids, 5 Newtons, 2 grandkids. and Shannon and Alissa. I went to Winn Dixie to get ingredients for a favorite Doerfel cake (and to escape). When I got home, I made the cake, started the dishes, made a salad, and cut up 2 watermelons and a pineapple. I ordered 6 pizzas (2 for 1 night at Slice of Paradise).

The boys all went to hockey. When they came back we ate, sang our horrible rendition of 'Happy Birthday' and blew out lots of trick candles. TJ's birthday was yesterday, Bobby's is the 5th, and Callie's is the 20th. We celebrated hers too because TJ and Ang will probably move before then.

I had to clear a path through my room and bathroom to get ready for bed. Nina read to the little kids for me. And I think every towel in the house is dirty and our dryer broke 2 days ago. We don't have a clothes line. We will see how long it takes to get a new 'used' dryer.

Garrett's complaining that their room smells like pee. Could no one do anything about it all day? Wait till midnight? It will have to wait till tomorrow. 


  1. Hey, Cheryl, there's a used dryer for sale here in KW for $100. Keep an eye on Key West Yard Sale on Facebook. With the military down here, I see a lot of appliances for sale as people move.

