Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2, 2013


We've had too many late nights and it caught up to me. I had a very slow start to my morning. I got out to walk at 10 am. Ate, showered, and picked up. No school today. Two of Kurt's friends came over. They made a birthday cake for TJ, although we are having a party tomorrow for TJ, Bobby, and Callie. 

I didn't get much done. Made a green salad and chickpea salad and ate in on the way to Sloppy Joes.  We had a good crowd. Busier than I thought it would be. Ang and the kids came. Jake and Callie stole the show. At the end of the show we ordered food from the Cafe.

I was super tired when we got home. I need to simplify tomorrow. I'd better spend some time planning in the morning.

Ed, Nina, and Ben spent the night at Newton's so they can pick up Ethan from the airport in the morning. Then they will come back up to Big Pine.

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