Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 5, 2013

I got up and went walking. We were out of granola and Tom wanted some for the trip so I made a batch. Then I helped Tommy and Charlie pack. The big kids went to the bank and the studio. Tom had to go to work for a while. 

I packed the cooler for their drive, about 6 hours to Universal in Orlando for Rock the Universe. TJ took Jake. Most of the kids went today. Kurt, Aaron, and Garrett leave tomorrow with youth groups.

I went to pick up Bobby so he could get his work done. Shannon and Alissa were walking to our house from school so we picked them up. It was really hot out. 

I  did some laundry. The dryer isn't working so I hung things on the hammock on the porch. I made the boys some spaghetti and cleaned my closet a little bit. It was getting hard to maneuver in there. I also did some paperwork. Then I got ready to go to Kim's house. Doug texted and said they were finally on their way home from the hospital. I went to their house and chopped up some watermelon for Kim. Just after they arrived, her in-laws stopped in and we visited for a little while. Then it was time for bed.

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