Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013


I went walking first thing. I wanted to be back for TJ and Ang because they were loading their truck for their move. Also, the band was packing up for their overnight trip to Lake Worth. 

It was a little crazy upstairs. They left an hour late. TJ and family went to the gig too, but are leaving on their trip tomorrow morning.

I did writing with Tommy and Garrett. Charlie got invited to the beach with friends. After I said yes, I realized that he had a fiddle lesson this afternoon. His wonderful teacher said she would give him a quick lesson on Tuesday after gym class instead.  

I took Garrett and Tommy for haircuts, and then had to leave them there to take Charlie home to feed him breakfast. It was 2 PM and in all the commotion he didn't get fed. His friends picked him up, the other boys walked the two blocks home. 

At 3 I went to Kim's studio and kept threading the heddles. I might finish them the next time I am over there. I stopped at Walgreens and came home. I made the boys spaghetti and for myself used steamed Swiss chard in place of the pasta and added mushrooms. 

After supper we went to the church for movie night. It was fun. Popcorn candy bars, and cookies.

The two younger boys went to Shannon's. Charlie slept over but tommy didn't want to, so I picked him up at 11 PM. Before that, I washed dishes and Garrett dried. I started to watch "Holes" on my computer while hand sewing but had to stop to pick up Tommy.

I finished watching the movie with Tommy. Now he is reading the book. It's one of my favorites.

I put up pics of our friends Rob and Anastasia. They are in Italy now I think. This is the dress I altered and the veil I made. Isn't she beautiful?

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