Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4, 2013

Another crazy day. I was hoping to do school but the kids had to work on their own again. I walked and ate oatmeal and fruit. Then Tom and I took Anastasia her wedding dress and veil. I had to finish the bustle but needed her in the dress to do it. She and her dress are very pretty. 

Next stop was the hospital to see Kim and baby Stephen. On the way there we saw a garbage truck being pulled out of the ocean by a crane. You don't see that everyday. Hope the driver was ok. Kim was doing better. I held the baby. It just seems to soon for her to go home tomorrow.

Tom had to do a few jobs in Key West so we did those, and then went on a date to Dairy Queen. Tom's idea! He never has ideas like that. Jason and Mandy showed up there too, on their bikes. It was good to see them. We haven't seen Mandy in months. After chatting we hit the road and drove home. We had to pick up Bob on the way so he could get his work done.

Lucky for me, Nina made the kids do chores, or I would have been miserable. I laid down for a few minutes, not long enough, and it was time to go to church for supper and Bible study.

We had a relaxing evening after that. The kids were a little quieter and less energetic. I got Kurt's online class working. I read to Charlie and got them to bed a little earlier. 

The whole family is going to 'Rock the Universe' in Orlando this weekend. We were leaving tomorrow about noon, but Kim texted me and asked if I would stay and help her. Of course I said yes. I wasn't super excited about going on the trip. I just want to slow down.

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