Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013

I woke up fairly early because I set my alarm. I could t walk because it was pouring so I practiced my Tai Chi. I was at Kim's studio at 10 AM and we worked till noon. Ed, Ben, and Kurt took their friend Ethan to the airport. He flew home to WNY.

I hurried home to find that the boys didn't take the neighbor's trampoline back yet, so I had Joe, Garrett, Tommy, and their friend Jonathan take it back. Joe was sick with a fever so he stayed in bed most of the day. Then I drove the kids to gym class. 

They had fun and then I drove home. The boys played video games and I went to Tai Chi. On my way home from there I picked up my produce. 

Once home, I made pizza dough and started chopping veggies. I made the salad, ordered 4 pizzas, and then put the veggie pizza together. The kids were at the park playing hockey. 

We all ate and Ben did the dishes. I was really tired again and finally got to bed by 11.

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