Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013

I took my walk and ate my oatmeal. Then I made pancakes and woke up the troops. I had Garrett and Tommy work on their own while I helped Kurt get started with his College Prep. I cleaned off my desk so he could have a somewhat quiet place to work. I did science with Garrett and Tommy and then made lunch for Ed, Tom, and I.

We got ready to leave for Sloppy's but had to wait for Rob to deliver something for Tom. It was a Harley! Tom bought a Harley!

The gig started out slow but the place filled up as the night went on. I took the boys for gelato and bought tiramisu gelato with expresso poured over it. Yum!!

On the way home we stopped at a friend of Kurt's to spread some Doerfel cheer.

Tomorrow is my busiest day. I hope it's a good one.

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