Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013


Would you believe I slept till 10 AM? No time for walking, and it turned out to be a good thing, because we got more torrential downpours. Tom wasn't so lucky. He was out taking a bike ride. Good thing he was wearing his swimsuit.

I have been keeping the laundry washed, but Ben has not folded in two weeks. There is a mountain of clean laundry in our hallway. I was going to fold some yesterday, and be mad the whole time I was doing it, but didn't get to it. I didn't get to any dishes either, and neither did anyone else. The big kids were all in KW at Nina's gig.

Anyways, back to today. I did school with Charlie, Tommy, and Garrett. Then Bob texted me for a ride. I went to get him, but that left me with no time to make my lunch/supper. I wonder if he ever wants to have his own car someday. Doesn't seem like it. 

As I parked the van, a car pulled over. Sunday morning we had an extra trampoline in our yard, right next to our trampoline. Some teens from the neighborhood must have decided it would be fun to jump on two trampolines, so they took one from a house a block away and put it next to ours. Well, the person in the car was missing a trampoline and thought our 'extra' one looked a lot like theirs. I told her that some neighborhood teens jump on our trampoline, so it was probably them. I told her I would have my boys return it tomorrow morning. Next, I grabbed my stuff and herded the kids into the van.

 I guess the gig was good. We are in a transition phase with TJ gone, Kim on maternity leave, and Nina just started playing keyboard with the band. I was tired the whole show. 

We stopped at Winn Dixie on the way home. I put groceries away and went to bed.

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