Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14, 2013


I went walking, took a quick shower, made my oatmeal, and took it with me to Kim's studio. As I pulled out of the driveway, the band turned the corner arriving home from last night's gig. At the same time, I got a text from Bob who needed a ride home. I picked him up and dropped him off, and then went to Kim's. 

I finished threading the heddles and then had lunch with Doug and Kim. I came home to get Tommy and take him to a friend's house. It was 2:10 PM and Tommy was still sleeping! I hurried him in the shower and then we left. 

After dropping him off, I came home and started cutting out my next two baby dresses. I played with some different colored thread and tatting. The dress I just finished is white. The next two are pale blue. One is going to be fishy, the other flowery. I'm hoping to use some beads and silk ribbon along with the embroidery.

The band got home from their afternoon gig. They went to the park to play hockey, and I started supper, Pineapple Teriyaki Chickpeas and a salad.

We ate. Tom was kind of crabby and argumentative. They've been on the road the last two weekends. I think it's taking its toll on him. He went to bed right after supper, 10 or 10:30 maybe. That's early for him. 

I played with my embroidery a little more. Bob brought Charlie home at about 11, and shortly after that I went to pick up Tommy. It was his friend's birthday celebration and they went to Beni Hanna's. He'd never been there before. What fun! He was a chatterbox the whole way home.

I started dishes and Ben finished them for me. It was another emotional day for me. As I drove to get Tommy, I of course thought of TJ and Ang going, and other friends that have moved away. We didn't know them very long, but Wanda and Irv, and the Castro family. And then I thought of a few friends and family we left behind when we moved from NY. The moon was reflecting off the water as I drove. So pretty. I would have loved to sit somewhere and just look out over the water, but it couldn't happen.

So I just pushed it all away and thought about my embroidery project.

I also found out tonight that the person we thought was going to rent TJ's apartment moved to the mainland. On the brighter side, it gives me more time to clean it. I'll get Joe and Garrett to help me.

I did read to Charlie at midnight. We read/sang a book about the pilgrims.

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