Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2012

I walked this morning. The kids picked chores. We had a shortened school day but got a lot done. We did science and art first. Charlie got all his work done. Before we knew it, it was time to go to our gig at Sloppy's.

When we arrived I got Joe a smoothie from Duettos. His teeth and throat are still bothering him and he cant chew food. It started out slow but filled up.
During the second break I went to CVS and bought him some peaches, pudding, and Greek yogurt. 

When we were done Nina ordered us some food from The Cafe. I had spinach dumplings. Yummy! I ate them on the way home. 

When I got home I moved the laundry, practiced Tai Chi, and went to bed shortly after midnight. 

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