Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013


We are staying up too late again, but I just can't get enough done. I overslept till 8:30 today. It really put me behind. I almost used it as an excuse to not go walking, but I went. 

I made polenta for breakfast. I never had it before and it was really good. I drizzled a tablespoon of maple syrup on it. Yum! I even coaxed Charlie to try it and he liked it. He ate a bowlful too. Tommy didn't like it though. He hates everything. All he wants is junk food.

The kids picked chores so they finally got done. But Kurt made no attempt at doing his chore. I did spend a few minutes with him acquainting ourselves with his CollegePlus program. He is going to try and get some high school/college credits this semester.

Tommy, Garrett, and I did science. We are still learning our routine for working this new subject into our schedule. I was happy with our progress today. I had to hurry again, as Ang and I were scheduled to go help Kim again at about 3 o'clock. Charlie got his school work done and I gave the other two their assignments for while I was gone. I will see how they did when I check it tomorrow.

I took a basket of clean, wet laundry to Kim's studio and she brought over the basket I put in her dryer last night. I was able to dry this one at her studio. We worked for 1 1/2 hours and then had to go home. 

I wasn't sure what I was going to make for supper, and then Ang surprised me with some black bean soup and cornbread. Yum! That made my night so much better. We went over to church for dinner and Bible study. Everyone else ate there and I worked on my tatting during dinner.

 We weren't there long when Tom got a call from Sloppy Joes. A band didn't show and they needed a band, so Tom and the band went. After church I dropped the kids off at home and then went to Winn Dixie, just for berries, almond milk, and green tea for Tom. I bought a few more things of course. It was $80ish.

After I put the groceries away, Ang and TJ needed to dry laundry at Kim's. Callie was already sleeping downstairs, so I volunteered to go down and stay with her. It gave me a chance to catch up on my blog from yesterday. Then Tom called and said the band was on their way home, and that they were really hungry and wouldn't make it to Winn Dixie before they closed. It was 10:30 PM. So I had Tommy come downstairs and I went upstairs. I made spaghetti, chopped up a watermelon, and pulled out leftover salad from the fridge.

They got home and ate. Garrett emptied the dishwasher and Tommy put dishes away from the sink. I was tired but forced myself to squish the leftovers into the fridge. The dirty dishes will have to wait till tomorrow's chores. I read to Charlie at about 12:30 am and went to bed.

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