Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7, 2013


A much slower day than I'm used to.  I went to bed early last night and woke up late. I left Kim's and came home for a little while and checked out Ang and Connie's garage sale. I hung out with them for a while. Then Ang went to Kim's studio to weave and I watched Callie for her. Callie slept most of the time and I got some bookkeeping done.

When she got back I went back to Kim's house. Doug was at church so we watched a chick flick, a movie about Queen Victoria. I don't see too many movies so it was fun. I cut up some watermelon for Kim, grabbed my laundry out of her dryer, and went home.

There was a group of teens out on our trampoline. They were loud and there for a long time. I asked them to be quiet so Angelica could put her kids to bed, and they either listened or left. I'm not sure. But they seemed to be good kids. They offered to help me carry stuff up from the car but I had it all.

I reviewed four more lessons in Kurt's algebra book and took the 3rd test. Just trying to stay ahead of him so I can help him when he gets stuck. I think he's on lesson 4 and I'm up to 13 now. After that, I went to bed.

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