Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24, 2013


Slept in this morning. I had to go to Winn Dixie first thing to buy almond milk. I ate and fed the little boys and we left at 11:30 for Charlie's fiddle lesson in Marathon. I helped Tommy with his math during the lesson and then we went to PE. Ariel went with us today.

I got home with just enough time to make lunch and eat. I went to Tai Chi and then came home. I got my money to go pick up my produce. I wanted Garrett to come with me to help me carry it but I couldn't find him. It's heavy. Lucky me, Tom had just gotten home and he went with me.  We also stopped at the auto parts store to get parts to fix Ed's air conditioning in his van.

Now it was Tom's turn to be lucky. It was just a loose wire to blame for the AC not working.

Once home, I took a twenty minute break in my room, then made pizza dough and a salad. I chopped all the veggies for my healthy pizza, and I ordered 4 pizzas. I did the dishes and put the pizza together. Meanwhile, Tom and the boys all went to the park to play hockey.

The man who delivered the pizza was from Russia. He asked me a lot of questions about the family and I gave him a CD.

When I picked up the milk this morning I bought a bag of apples. When I put them in the fridge I noticed every single one was bruised. So while making the pizza I also made an apple pie. It was really yummy. It is all gone except for a piece I saved for Tom. Charlie even ate a piece. 

Tommy has a friend over. It is almost time for them to go to bed. Me too.

Here's a pic of the homeschoolers at PE today.

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