Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015


I had some quiet time this morning and then went walking. Got back at 10:30, showered and ate oatmeal with a chopped up pear in it. I started school with Charlie today, from 11-2:30 and Charlie practiced piano. He might be the best piano player out of the bunch. It's a sad thing when you are a piano teacher and none of your kids want to play piano. :0/ Charlie might break that pattern. I'm using Ambleside Online, Veritas,History, and Saxon Math with him this year.

We left the house at 3:35. We left it a mess. The dishes weren't done, someone left cardboard all over the couch, and we all need to unpack.

We played at Sloppy's. I went to Duetto's during the first break and Earthbound during the second break. I bought Charlie a sword and a ring that he wanted. 

On the way home we stopped at Winn Dixie. Looks like they were stocked up on water for the storm. All this water was outside on the sidewalk.

August 30, 2015


I was the only one to set my alarm again. We were supposed to leave at 8:30 but I was the only one who got up. Even TJ's kids slept in. We packed and cleaned up and left at 10. We were concerned about the weather and driving in wind and rain from 'Erica,' but the storm broke up and we didn't have to drive through too much rain. I read aloud during the drive to Tom. We are reading "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin." 

 It was a long drive,  15 hours, from Mooresville, NC to Big Pine Key, FL. 

We got home at 12:30 AM. Charlie was there waiting up for us. I emptied the cooler, opened some packages that came while we gone, found my pjs, and went to bed. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 29, 2015


Today went by way too fast. One of Tom's old friends from Orcjard Park was at the gig last night, just by coincidence. He took some of us out on his boat this morning. It was TJ's family, Tom and I, and Nina. Some of them went tubing and we had a tour of Lake Norman. 

When we got back we scrambled to get ready and leave for the gig. (It was a wedding with a few NASCAR drivers present). I went with the band at 2 o'clock to set up and check it out, then at 4 Tom took me home to trade places with Angelica so she could go to the wedding. I stayed home and watched the girls. 

I started cleaning up and packed the cooler. I made us some supper and we watched Mulon, then I put Callie to bed. And Violet, we stayed up and watched HGTV until 11:30 when she finally fell asleep. TJ and Ang got home about 1:30 and the rest of the boys about an hour later. Leaving tomorrow morning at 8:30 is not going to be easy. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 28, 2015


I had a relaxing morning. Tj and Ang went shopping and then Tom and I went to Food Lion, less than a mile from the house. Nice! The van repair put our credit near the limit, so my credit card didn't work. Luckily, I had another one or we would be a hungry bunch and have no gas to get back to the Keys. 

We hung out at the house for a while longer. TJ's kids went swimming, and my Aunt Laurie and her husband Luis showed up. We all went to the Rusty Rudder, about 15 minutes away. It was a great place and I had a great visit with Laurie and Luis. 

When we got home we all ate Klondike Bars. Most of us went to bed, but Violet, she stayed up for quite a while with Tommy and TJ sleeping on the floor. 

Looks like Charlie had a great time today too, with Fran, Georgina, and Hannah. 

We've also been keeping our eyes on Hurricane Erica, which I think has broken up by now, but we are still a little anxious about driving in all the rain on Sunday to get back home.

Friday, August 28, 2015

August 27, 2015


I got up, made coffee, and went swimming. The air temp was 65, but the water was warmer. Tom got up before me and took the van to the Mercedes shop in Charlotte. He spent the whole day there and didn't get home till 11 PM. 

I ate, read, worked on algebra, went swimming a second time, did some cross stitch, and just sat on the porch. JR brought us some chicken because he didn't know if we had food and knew we didn't have a car to go get some.  TJ and family arrived about 4 o'clock and the band left for their gig. 

I read some more and made salad and refried beans for supper for Tommy and I. Then Tommy and I looked at some of his school stuff online. His online school starts September 8. 

Tom came home before the band. He was too beat to stay at the gig at Whiskey River in Charlotte. The van repairs was $2700. Ouch. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 26, 2015


I set my alarm for 5:30 AM. Tom's initial plan was to leave at 6 AM, but working the two nights before and then me babysitting made packing hard. I was up Tuesday night getting ready and packing till 2:30 AM, so I didn't really think we were going to leave that early. Turns out only Ed and I even set alarms and we both turned them off. There was no way we were getting up. 

I think I finally woke up closer to 7 and no one was up. We got moving and left at 8:30. It took us 15 hours to get to Mooresville, NC. Twice the turbo on the van quit working. Tom cleared the code both times and the turbo worked again. We arrived at 11:30 PM. We are staying in a beautiful house on Lake Norman with a swimming pool. We stayed here on our last trip north. We will be here for 5 nights  and 3 gigs. Tom and I are in a pretty bedroom. He's pretty upset about the van. He is taking it to a Mercedes place tomorrow morning. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 25, 2015


 I woke up 1 minute before my alarm and got ready to go to TJ's to bbsit. Poor Callie was upset that she couldn't go to the gig and cried in her bed for atleast an hour. Then she got over it and was fine. Ed came over at 1 o'clock to take over so I could go home and finish packing for Charlie to spend a week at Fran and Georgina's. I hurried and took Charlie to Winn Dixie to pick out a few snacks to take with him, then we put his stuff in a pile. Then I went back to TJ's so Ed could go home and get ready for the gig.

Earlier, Tom came over to TJ's too, to work on the roof. Then he went to pick up the gmc from the shop, and dropped off the Sprinter. It needed a fuel filter. When I went home to take care of Charlie, the thermastat in the house said 87. Poor Tom. We let him know and he came home and started working on the AC. It was frozen up. 

After TJ got home, he and I left and went home to pick up Tom. The band had left a half hour earlier, towing the trailer with the GMC. When Tom finished with the AC he looked like he had done a roof tear off. Dirty. He showered, then we went to the auto shop and traded the Saturn for the Sprinter. 

It was so hot today; the heat index was 106. When we started I took a short walk and bought a Jams skirt that was on sale. During the first break a few of us went to Duetto's, and during the 2nd break I took a walk with Tommy and bought 3 chocolate chip cookies.

We are driving home now. If we get to Winn Dixie  before 11 o'clock Tom wants me to run in and buy some food for the trip. Ugh. I hope we don't make it in time. When we get home I have to pack. We are trying to leave at 6 AM for NC.

Here's a pic taken while we were driving to Sloppy's today. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015


Today was a goofy day. I'm all caught up on laundry. I watered my plants and trimmed a few. I packed Charlie's suitcase. He is staying with friends while we go to NC, and I cleaned my bathroom!! Joe's new bass was delivered today. It's really pretty but I didn't take any pictures yet. I corrected an algebra lesson with Garrett and made vegan Reubens before we left for our Sloppy Joe's gig. 

I read some during the gig. Then looked at lots of embroidery stuff on Pinterest. Maybe I should have been an art major. :0)

Here's a pic. Notice the "Dale Ernhart Jr.'s favorite band" part. 

August 23, 2015


We went to church, but Charlie went with a friend on their boat.  After church Kim and the kids came over. I worked on my class. I was supposed to bbsit for TJ but his gig was cancelled due to rain, so I got to stay home. I made my grocery list. The band went to Schooner Wharf, and then I went to church. Bobby came over and he watched Charlie. After class I went grocery shopping. Ugh! I hated it. I had to make myself go. I bought frozen pizzas and an apple pie to cheer myself up.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 22, 2015


I bbsat for TJ, then watched the sunset with Tom and Charlie. Kurt hurt his foot last night at OMY and went to see Dr. C. He has sprained ligaments. The boys played hockey. I cut a watermelon and made a salad. 


Charlie and I went to Bahia Honda. A crazy little bird wouldn't leave us alone. I spent the rest oft day doing laundry. I even folded it and put it away... all day. I was moving in slow-mo by 11 o'clock. My feet are ao tired from standing all day. I made chili and cornbread for supper. The band had a double at Sunset Pier. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 20, 2015


Kim came over and we went walking. I did half an algebra lesson. Garrett worked with Fran. Tom took me to the chiropractor in KW about my shoulder. Nothing is wrong with my neck or spine or anything. I'm guessing it's frozen shoulder and I need to do shoulder exercises. 

After that, we stopped at FKCC to watch Charlie at swim practice. That was fun. Then we came home. The big kids had youth group. I had Charlie load the top of the dishwasher, a new job for him, and I showed Tommy how to make spaghetti. It's his favorite food. I sat out on the porch in a hammock chair for a while and listened to a book. 

I did some dishes, read to Charlie, and went to bed. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 19, 2015


Doug and Debra came to get Emma and take her to college. Both my shoulders were bothering me and I had to have Emma braid my hair. I couldn't reach. I did some more school prep and got groceries. Tommy and Charlie went with me. After I put the groceries away I went over to TJ's to bbsit the girls. TJ and Ang had a gig at Blue Heaven and the rest of the band went to Schooner. 

I took Callie and Violet to church, then went back to their house. We played and I let Callie watch 2 episodes of Power Rangers while I did the dishes. Violet was much more pleasant than the last time I watched her. We read a princess and frog book and right at the end Violet bit Callie on the stomach. :0( I put Callie to bed and Violet fell asleep on my lap about 11 PM. I spent the next hour making schedules for school until TJ, Angelica, and Jake got home. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

August 18, 2015


I woke up with both my shoulders hurting. I couldn't braids hair. 
Today felt like a Friday all day, weird. But since it really was Tuesday, I woke up Tom and we left at 8:30 AM for the Health Dept. in Marathon and then the Bank. All my homeschool paperwork is done and mailed. Yippee!!! Tom took me to breakfast to celebrate. He didn't eat but I did. Must be the farm girl in me. :0)

While we were gone Ed took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. I spent a big chunk of the day doing algebra with Garrett. Georgina took Charlie to swim practice, and when I finished algebra I made popcorn and read in my hammock chair. 

Tom finished working on vehicles for the day (now we have two vehicles with broken AC) and he, Charlie, and I went swimming at a friend of a friend's pool. We watched the sunset and went home. 
I read some more, then read to Charlie. I had Kurt, Aaron, and Tommy clean up the kitchen and living room and then I went to bed. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015


I set my alarm so I could get Garrett up to go to work with Fran. I had some quiet time and then Kim came over with the kids and we went walking. Tommy and Ed watched the kids.

After I showered we cleaned up the living room and Joe cleaned the bathroom. I did more laundry. Doug and Debra arrived. They are staying in Key West. Ben and Emma left with them and they went out to eat for Doug's birthday.  Joe and Rita took me to the post office, then we stopped for frozen coffee drinks. When we got home it was time to get ready to leave for Sloppy's. 

Sloppy's was busy as usual. Jake stole the show tonight. I took the boys to Duetto's and the evening went by quickly. 

August 16, 2015


Went to church. Kim came over with the kids. I also got my homeschool portfolio evaluations done today. I'm so glad to have those done. Now I  am ready for the new school year.

I did more algebra and we watched the NASCAR race. I made a green salad and a pasta salad that had more veggies than pasta. Tom and I went to church and the kids ran off in all directions with their friends. I read to Charlie. We finished "Little Britches" and started "Man of the Family."

Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 15, 2015


The band went to Suset Pier and I took Garrett and Charlie to Walgreens. I folded laundry and did an algebra lesson. Garrett got grounded from his phone and iPod because he was on them in the middle of the night. 

The day was a weird one. Charlie and I rode with Nina to KW. She dropped us off at Gale and Kelly's house. Tom was there. We visited there a while, then met the band back at Sunset Pier for the 2nd gig. Nina's band also had a gig at Blue Heaven, and TJ and Angelica had a gig at Hogfish.

Randy and Mikki met us at Sunset Pier too and we sat with them. This gig was just two hours long. A breeze picked up and the sun went down and it was pretty nice.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 15, 2015


I gave up on paperwork and cleaned off school bookshelves. I'm trying to get ready for the new school year. Tommy will be taking 6 live online classes this year for eigth grade. His classes start in September but he has been doing 2 math lessons and his Omnibus class every day. His online classes will give me more time with Garrett and Charlie. 

Ben works every day on several power wheels the boys have been collecting.  I think they are planning the Big Pine 500. Hopefully they will make a video for the whole world to see. 

Ben and Emma went to the beach. I swept the kitchen floor. It hasn't been swept in a week or two, and I did laundry, but all the baskets in the hallway are full of clean clothes and the pile is turning into a mountain.

In the evening the band left for the Hurricane. I rode up a little later with TJ. It was a good thing we came later because Ben left a guitar, amp, and peddle board at the church. 

Before we left, I did algebra with Garrett, and then the 3 younger boys  went to the movie night at church. I worked on a few more algebra problems, showered, and TJ picked me up with Ben's equipment and we drove to the Hurricane. 

I was hungry and the pizza was great. I listened to a few songs, then sat on the other side of the restaurant. Tommy hung out with a friend and I did embroidery. About 11:30, Rita, Emma, Charlie, and I went home. 

I read a chapter of "Little Britches" to Charlie. We are almost done with the book and I know it has a sad ending. Charlie's not going to like that but there's 8 books in the series and they are excellent.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 13, 2015


Today started with a migraine, then hours of paperwork, and last but not least, dishes.  Throw in a few mosquitos and it's a day to forget. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015


I was so tired last night that I went straight to bed at 11 PM. But I woke up at 12 and couldn't sleep. I tried for the longest time and finally got up and listened to one of my lectures. I was up
From 1-6 AM. Not nice. I finally fell asleep
at 6 AM and slept til 9 AM. 

We were supposed to leave at 10 for an appt with our accountant, but about 9:30 I thought I'd check my computer just to make sure everything was good, because it's been strange the last few days. Every time you close it, when you reopen it you have to turn it back on. 

So, I tried to restart it in windows (that's where my bookkeeping is) and it wouldtn't go to windows.  Ed worked on it for 2 1/2 hours, took my computer apart, hooked it up to his computer, found the files, put them on his computer and let me take it to the accountant. We were very late but he was able to meet with us for 1/2 an hour. 

Before we met with the Accountant we dropped of Garrett and Charlie at the Marsthon park to hang out with friends and picked them up when we were done. 

We came home and ate. The band went to Sunset Pier. The little boys and I went to church. I went grocery shopping afterwards. That was a drag. I haven't read to Charlie in a few days. I'm too tired. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 11, 2015


I woke up at 6:30 today, no reason. :0/ I made myself go walking. It's so hot and no relief in sight. I took care of some school stuff, then made a salad and white bean soup. I also made Joe some mushroom and onion BBQ. 

We left for Sloppy's at 3:30. We dropped Charlie off with Georgina so he could go to swim practice.  Tom looked at a van on the way. I started a new broidery project while sitting at the cd table. 

Here's a pic of a Key deer that just about walked up to me on my walk this morning. They aren't scared of people. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015


I woke up before 7 AM. Odd. But I got up and had plenty of time to read. I woke up Tommy to put away the dishes he was supposed to put away last night, and then had him wake up Garrett to wash the dishes he was supposed to wash last night. Punks. 

I gave Joe a ride to give a bass demonstration, then came back home. Kim was there waiting for me to go walking and we went. Of course it was hot. No way to get away from it. I showered and ate breakfast just before noon.

Randy showed Tom and I a house at 2 PM. I loved it and we put an offer on it. It has lots of trees that make it feel like a tree fort. :0)

Came home and hurried to get ready for Sloppy's. Key West was hopping. Sloppy's was hopping. TJ and I took quick walks between sets. Some fans took pics. 

August 9, 2015


We went to church. Tom put Stevie to sleep again. Alice gave me a flower cupcake. They were so pretty. Kim came over for a little bit. Tom and I drove by a house for sale, to check it out, then I went to TJ's to bbsit. TJ, Angleica, and Jake had a gig at Rum Row. I watched the girls. Violet climbed on everything and tried to tKe everything Callie played with. 

The band had a gig at Schooner and on the way had trouble with the van so they were a little late. Callie fell asleep about 9 o'clock and TJ got home at 10. I went to Winn Dixie on the way home for produce. I bought frozen pizzas and an apple pie for Garrett, Tommy, and I and we ate about 11:30. Didn't read to Charlie and got to bed late. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

August 8, 2015


I woke up before my alarm and had lots of time to get ready for my beach day with Charlie. Our church had a BBQ and baptism at Bahia Honda also, so we went to that too. We got to the beach a little after 9 and stayed till 1ish. The beach was really crowded by then. 

We went home and showered, then I went to Kim's new studio and we unpacked stuff and put the yarn on shelves. I walked home as the band was leaving for their evening gig at Sunset Pier. Their earlier gig at Sunset Pier was cancelled because it was just too hot. 

At home I folded laundry and faught off depression. Folding laundry always makes me depressed. In my head I contemplated going to Bistro or Springer's for supper because I didn't want to cook, but once the laundry was folded and I did the dishes I didn't mind being in the kitchen. I made corn on the cob and homemade baked falafel for Tommy, Charlie, and I. 

After that I did my class work, read to Charlie, and went to bed. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

August 7, 2015


Short and sweet. Ben and Emma drove Doug to the Miami airport. I had the day off and spent it with Mikki poolside with Tom and Charlie. Then a bunch of us went out on their boat for sunset. Read to Charlie. Bed. :0)