Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 26, 2015


I set my alarm for 5:30 AM. Tom's initial plan was to leave at 6 AM, but working the two nights before and then me babysitting made packing hard. I was up Tuesday night getting ready and packing till 2:30 AM, so I didn't really think we were going to leave that early. Turns out only Ed and I even set alarms and we both turned them off. There was no way we were getting up. 

I think I finally woke up closer to 7 and no one was up. We got moving and left at 8:30. It took us 15 hours to get to Mooresville, NC. Twice the turbo on the van quit working. Tom cleared the code both times and the turbo worked again. We arrived at 11:30 PM. We are staying in a beautiful house on Lake Norman with a swimming pool. We stayed here on our last trip north. We will be here for 5 nights  and 3 gigs. Tom and I are in a pretty bedroom. He's pretty upset about the van. He is taking it to a Mercedes place tomorrow morning. 

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