Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 15, 2015


I gave up on paperwork and cleaned off school bookshelves. I'm trying to get ready for the new school year. Tommy will be taking 6 live online classes this year for eigth grade. His classes start in September but he has been doing 2 math lessons and his Omnibus class every day. His online classes will give me more time with Garrett and Charlie. 

Ben works every day on several power wheels the boys have been collecting.  I think they are planning the Big Pine 500. Hopefully they will make a video for the whole world to see. 

Ben and Emma went to the beach. I swept the kitchen floor. It hasn't been swept in a week or two, and I did laundry, but all the baskets in the hallway are full of clean clothes and the pile is turning into a mountain.

In the evening the band left for the Hurricane. I rode up a little later with TJ. It was a good thing we came later because Ben left a guitar, amp, and peddle board at the church. 

Before we left, I did algebra with Garrett, and then the 3 younger boys  went to the movie night at church. I worked on a few more algebra problems, showered, and TJ picked me up with Ben's equipment and we drove to the Hurricane. 

I was hungry and the pizza was great. I listened to a few songs, then sat on the other side of the restaurant. Tommy hung out with a friend and I did embroidery. About 11:30, Rita, Emma, Charlie, and I went home. 

I read a chapter of "Little Britches" to Charlie. We are almost done with the book and I know it has a sad ending. Charlie's not going to like that but there's 8 books in the series and they are excellent.

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