Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9, 2015


We went to church. Tom put Stevie to sleep again. Alice gave me a flower cupcake. They were so pretty. Kim came over for a little bit. Tom and I drove by a house for sale, to check it out, then I went to TJ's to bbsit. TJ, Angleica, and Jake had a gig at Rum Row. I watched the girls. Violet climbed on everything and tried to tKe everything Callie played with. 

The band had a gig at Schooner and on the way had trouble with the van so they were a little late. Callie fell asleep about 9 o'clock and TJ got home at 10. I went to Winn Dixie on the way home for produce. I bought frozen pizzas and an apple pie for Garrett, Tommy, and I and we ate about 11:30. Didn't read to Charlie and got to bed late. 

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