Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 15, 2015


The band went to Suset Pier and I took Garrett and Charlie to Walgreens. I folded laundry and did an algebra lesson. Garrett got grounded from his phone and iPod because he was on them in the middle of the night. 

The day was a weird one. Charlie and I rode with Nina to KW. She dropped us off at Gale and Kelly's house. Tom was there. We visited there a while, then met the band back at Sunset Pier for the 2nd gig. Nina's band also had a gig at Blue Heaven, and TJ and Angelica had a gig at Hogfish.

Randy and Mikki met us at Sunset Pier too and we sat with them. This gig was just two hours long. A breeze picked up and the sun went down and it was pretty nice.

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